
Paul's birthday

For Paul's birthday, I made him breakfast in the morning then he went to work. Caitlin and I came and met up with him for lunch and we went to "Communal" in Provo. For some reason unbeknownst to anyone Caitlin decided to be a total stinker all day for Paul's birthday. So unfortunately lunch wasn't the cute leisurely family affair that we were both hoping for. This is Paul's annoyed face:
After lunch i took Caitlin home to try to get her to regroup and take a nap and Paul went back to work. Later he went swimming with Taylor and then came home...

(PAUSE) This year Paul hasn't been that excited for his birthday because he is now entering his "late twenties" i know it's ridiculous but you can't help how you feel. So, i wanted to do something fun and different to make his day special. I decided to throw a little surprise BBQ in our back yard. I told Paul that I was going to make him a special dinner and we could hang out just us and since i usually make such a big deal about birthdays i think he was a little disappointed by our plans (or lack of). Pair that with the fact that our lunch outing didn't go great and i'm pretty sure Paul thought he was having a lame birthday. LUCKILY: i think i redeemed myself.

Taylor was clutch in getting him home at the right time and he walked in and i made him close his eyes and walk through the house to the backyard where everyone was waiting. The surprise was a success! He said he had some suspicions but at the end decided it wasn't going to happen. (Which i almost decided myself.. it was so stressful trying to plan it and not tell him and get a hold of people, and work out the timing, way harder than just throwing a normal party!) So anyway, we had our little party and ate lots of food and had lots of fun. Of course we ended up having to move everything inside because Paul and I have had the worst luck with weather on our birthday parties this year but that's ok. We all just chatted and played with the kids and let them go crazy. I made Paul his chocolate pudding cake that he requested. Afterward he opened presents and got some new shoes, games for the backyard, a new swimsuit, some gift cards, a rangefinder and a camelbak, and a few other things too.

These candids crack me up.. like how crazy and cute all the kids are and how messy my floor got with toys in about 2.5 seconds and how no one even minds and how disgusted me and Lindsay look about whatever we were talking about...

 Turns out maybe 27 won't be such a bad year after all...

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