
mother's day

Happy Mother's Day to everyone. Not just mothers and grandmothers but women, wives, and everyone who has been blessed my having a mom. I am eternally grateful for my mom and mother-in-law in my life and the things they do for our family on a regular basis. I am also eternally grateful for the amazing blessing that i have to be a mom. It is the greatest joy in my life and has taught me the most out of any experience i have ever been through... and continues everyday.
 I had a wonderful mother's day.
-It really started on Saturday when I went out while Paul watched Caitlin and got to go to Target completely by myself for as long as I wanted. I know that sounds weird but seriously just being able to wander around and not have to hurry or fish for more snacks from your purse and have time to try things on is SO nice. I needed it. And you better believe i picked out some good stuff for my mother's day presents!
-On Sunday i got breakfast in bed and i will never forget how cute Paul and Caitlin were when they brought it to me. I was already awake but stayed in bed because i could hear them and knew they were up to something (plus i didn't want to get out of bed anyways). Then Paul opened the door and Caitlin came running in in her little Hello Kitty pajamas yelling "mama! mama!" and i knew it was going to be a good time. I love my sweeties. Caitlin snuggled with me all during breakfast and i know i looks gross in the pic but it was just so sweet. Breakfast was awesome.. complete with a card and flowers and a Diet DP also, which i am saving for a very special occasion since i try not to drink caffeine while i'm pregnant. But oh how i love my Dr. Pepper.

-After we ate breakfast together we got ready for church and went. Church was good.. good talks and Caitlin was really good so i actually felt like i got to listen to them. Then i taught the lesson to the young women and then we came home. We put Caitlin down for a nap and I rested and wrote my special mother's day letters (an idea i got from HERE (#4) that i am super excited about) while Paul made me dinner. We had delicious fajitas and then we all went for a walk around the block and spent some time outside.
-When we came back in Paul sat Caitlin by the sink to wash off her feet and that led to her hopping in and playing with the cold sink water -- fully clothed-- for a good 30 minutes. She makes me laugh.

-After that we got in comfies and watched a movie together. We also got to talk to both our moms and watched the season finale of Once Upon a Time.
I couldn't have asked for more. The perfect balance of being with my family and also having time to myself. I absolutely love being a mom. I love Paul for making me a mom and i love Caitlin for being my firstborn child to learn how to be a mom with. I also love our new little baby that will be coming soon and can't wait to learn more being a mom to him! I am so glad that i have so much support and love in my life that allows me to be a full-time mom because i wouldn't want to be doing anything else.
 ...could i have used the word "mom" any more?

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