
38.5 weeks

Had my LAST doctor's appointment today and wanted to give the update and exciting news right away.

(PAUSE) I first have to give a HUGE thank you shout-out to my sister-in-law Jenna because she has watched Caitlin for me during my doctor's visit almost every single time I have been and it has been such a life saver. It is SO nice to just be able to go to my appointment and be able to sit and be quiet and alone for a little bit and just concentrate on one baby (the one in my tummy). So anyways, Jenna is such a gem and of course Caitlin loves it too.

Today however Paul and Caitlin both came with me and we met with the doctor and everything looks great is and moving right along. I am more dilated than last week so things are progressing and again he told me i would be a great candidate to get induced next week if i wanted to. Up to this point I had decided that i really wanted to wait toil my due date to try to go into labor on my own since I never have before. I wanted to give my body the full 40 weeks to do it but then after that i'm too impatient to go over. SO i told my doctor that originally i had wanted to go up til the 8th (my due date) and if i haen't had him I would get induced on the 8th. My doctor said that they can't schedule inductions on a Friday because it is considered a weekend. HMMMMM So he said i could wait until the following week or be induced on Wednesday or Thursday. That's when I sad "to heck with it, I'm close enough now i just want to have my baby.. and the sooner the better!" So we chose Wednesday.

translation: I will be having my baby a week from today! (if not before) We are extremely excited to have an actual end in sight and I feel really good about. Only one more week to go before we meet baby Nolan! (unless he decides to come before which would also be totally fine)

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