
35 weeks

-I'm getting and feeling very large

-I feel completely justified in using my size and/or pregnancy condition as an excuse to get out of anything that i could get out of that i don't want to do. My body aches, usually my lower back and my legs get really sore when i sleep. When i wake up in the morning i feel like i might be paralyzed, and my legs will not move. Luckily hasn't happened yet.
-I went to the doctor on Tuesday and he says everything looks and feels good. My one concern was that sometimes I feel like the baby doesn't move very much. He's just so chill, sometimes he will go for hours without moving but other days he's way more active. Dr. Judd said that I could start getting weekly non-stress tests to put myself at ease and make sure that he was doing fine. I decided to wait a few days and see if i was still feeling nervous about it before scheduling the test.
-Dr. also said the baby is head down and in position, although i didn't need him to tell me that. One word: pressure.
-The countdown clock is ticking! I can't believe this is my last month WITHOUT a baby. My last month to get things ready and especially my last month to spend with Caitlin being my only little one. I'm totally getting emotional about that. I never thought i would be worried about loving another baby as much as her but it's hitting me now and I think i will really miss my little mommy daughter moments so I'm trying to savor them as much as possible.
-I'm completely in nesting mode, making lists of what to pack in the hospital bag, cleaning out closets, finishing projects, making final lists of things to buy beforehand, going through boxes of baby things, rearranging an organizing the basement storage, anything i can do to prepare for this baby makes me feel good.   
-We have accomplished a lot in the baby's room recently and it is on the verge of being completely done so that has been very fun and exciting! Here are a couple sneaky peeks and once everything is done I'll do a full post of room pictures:


  1. Yay I have been waiting to see the room. It looks really cool. Great job. I also love the pregnant picture. You are looking great!!
