-I popped out in a big way at 21 weeks and have been growing my belly ever since. Although this time i am for sure carrying differently...lower (maybe?) and further back inside me, yet all balled up in front (?)... Looking at pictures from last time i for sure look different than i did at this stage but it's hard to say how. So far my total weight gain is 10 lbs. which is definitely different than with Caitlin. My doctor called me "the poster child of pregnant women" for being 3/4 of the way done and only having gained that much. Thanks doc, happy to impress.
-My random food this pregnancy that I can't stand to eat or smell that will always be a reminder of this pregnancy (with Caitlin it was rotisserie chicken) is: buffalo sauce. I think because i made buffalo chicken wraps when I was first pregnant right before I started getting sick and they did not taste good to me. Then the other night we went to Buffalo Wild Wings and got some with that sauce and I could not handle it. At all.
-Got my first pregnancy comment from a stranger the other day.
-Sleeping is getting harder but not too bad as long as I have 3 pillows around me. I still even go on my stomach a little sometimes because it's so hard to give that up but mostly on my side.
-I totally have an outtie belly button! It's so weird to me because with Caitlin is was just flush with the surface, never pushed out at all but this time it totally is.
-This baby is so chill! He definitely moves more and more so it's not alarming in any way but he doesn't move near as much as Caitlin did, or kick as hard (for now). Although he is starting to expand his area and has found my ribs and bladder, so sometimes a well places kick is a little more painful than constant ones. Anyways, I'm really hoping the whole chill attitude keeps after he is born.
-There are of course weird things that i feel here and there but for the most part i'm feeling good and getting a little energy back and mostly just feeling really excited for the next couple of months!
YAY! I love your bump!