April turned out to be quite the busy month with visits from both of our parents and lots of family time and activities going on.
-playing with Grammie and Papa before they left-Running the South Jordan "Earth Day 10k" together. And when I say together I mean that Jordan smoked us all and finished 5th overall and then came Paul and Stewart who also did really well. Rebekah ran the whole thing in her leopard onesie (it was drizzling for almost the whole run) and did awesome, finished 4th in her age group and then Lorraine and I finished in just over an hour. I definitely could have benefitted from a training run beforehand but we all completed and did well. It was fun to get into a race again and made us excited to set some goals for this summer.

-Bailey's baby blessing. There was a dessert party the night before and then Mike gave her a beautiful blessing during their church service on Sunday. I actually got sick after the run on Saturday (aggravated allergies) and I will blame this on my lack of pictures of this special day. But Bailey was adorable and so quiet and agreeable for the whole thing. (This picture was from a few days before)

(here are a few from Jenna!)
-I won't go into too much detail about this one so as not to spoil the surprise but the kids and I did some very special shopping with Lorraine and Rebekah and Caitlin loved looking at the "princess dresses" and admiring herself in the mirror. I thought this picture was so cute so i had to include it.-BYU and UVU graduation. Jenna graduated from UVU and Mike from BYU. We attended both of their individual graduation ceremonies and saw them receive their diplomas. We are very proud of both of them and we will miss them dearly when they head to College Station to go to Texas A&M Med school this fall. The kids were surprisingly well behaved during the ceremonies but it was a long day and they both conked out in the car before dinner.

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