Our General Conference weekend consisted of:
Friday night mission reunion. We opted for a smaller gathering again this year and had about 8 couples from Pauls mission and his Mission President and his wife, Elder and Sister Gay. We ate and talked and mostly listened to President Gay as he imparted stories and wisdom from his time that he has now spent in the first quorum of the 70 and also gave us an update on the people and members and progress in Ghana. Crazy to think that the original mission all these men served in was the Ghana, Acca mission (actually Ivory Coast for Paul, but he was later moved to the ghana mission because of the war) and that mission has now been divided many times and is now currently 6 different missions throughout Ghana and Sierra Leone and Liberia! The people and members there are amazing and so faithful and embrace the gospel so beautifully. They are progressing and growing and it's exciting to see. It was a special and spiritual night.
Saturday scones for breakfast, being with family, playing outside, girl's night with the kids and Bekah (shopping and dinner at the mall), dessert pizzas from Papa Murphy's and an epic game of speed Monopoly in which i won for I think the first time ever.
Sunday was relaxing, pajamas all day, seeing Pack's new house in the works and delicious dinner at Chelsea and Tyler's.
All intermixed with this of course was the 4 sessions of General Conference. I will admit that with kids and friends and family and food around, I don't always get to listen as closely as I would like. But I think it's important that we make an effort and just having it on and listening to it as much as possible brings a special spirit into our home for the weekend. And I'm definitely grateful that all the talks are posted online so I can start reading them on my own time and remembering what was said.

one of my favorite quotes was:

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