Eats: he still drinks his 3 bottles a day and generally LOVES his baba. He is still eating baby food because he doesn't mind it and he eats healthy that way. He usually eats about two containers at each meal. We did move him to the chair seat this month since he outgrew the bumbo (like months ago).
Sleeps: He still likes his two naps a day, although he usually naps better in the morning than the afternoon so I'm trying to fix that right now (rather have him napping longer in the afternoon so he can sleep at the same time as Caitlin and eventually that will be his only nap) he sleeps for about 1.5-2 hours each nap and about 12 hours at night. On March 30th he pulled himself up in his crib for the first time and I came in to him standing there. So adorable! I love coming in to see him standing there.
Play: he still army crawls but gets up on his hands and knees sometimes. and he is fast! also, he loves to stand! He pulls himself up on anything he can. He will turn and pivot but isn't trying to take steps and cruise yet.

Play: he still army crawls but gets up on his hands and knees sometimes. and he is fast! also, he loves to stand! He pulls himself up on anything he can. He will turn and pivot but isn't trying to take steps and cruise yet.

Likes: he loves being outside. This warmer weather has been amazing. He comes out on the blanket and also likes to swing in the baby swing. He also loves to wrestle and laugh and get tickled.

Dislikes: he hates having his face wiped and his nose cleaned out. He also dislikes getting things taken away from him (i.e: small toys or nasty crumbs that he finds on the floor or things that he shouldn't have that he finds)

Also: Firsts: pulling himself up on things, and he also celebrated his frist Easter. We also discovered his love for horses and swinging. He reaches to be held. He started saying "ma ma" and also will say "da da" "ba ba" and his favorite is "la la la"... None of them are intentional but he says them, mingled with lots of loud yelling and grunts and groans. We also moved him to a "big boy" carseat! Technically he should still be rear-facing but it just didn't seem safe at all once we installed it so I turned him around and it's so cray to see two big kids looking at me from the back seat! He also got another tooth, making 5 total.

I LOVE all of these pictures! Almost everyone makes me happy and laugh. I have so many to comment about. 1. He is so excited to eat in his second picture! 2. Going down the slide. Enough said. 3. The one where he is holding onto the bed, he looks like he is saying, whoa there and mom, I am working off these extra pounds. 4. The wind blowing! Anytime I am having a bad moment, I am going to look at that picture because I can't stop laughing.