Eats: baby food! He loves it. Turns out he is completely not a fan of rice cereal or oatmeal but he loves food. I was trying so hard to get him used to it and finally called it quits to try baby food. He eats really well off a spoon now and hasn't met a food he doesn't like. Even the green ones! His favorite is applesauce. He eats his food twice a day and has three 8 oz. bottles. He still loves his bottle but now he can hold it on his own and ever since he started doing this he doesn't want to be fed anymore he just wants to do it by himself!
Sleeps: From about 9pm to 9 am with still two naps during the day. (Usually about 2 hours) He will still fall asleep in his car seat or stroller pretty easily, but he definitely sleeps in his bed the best. He likes to sleep on his side mostly. We put him down on his back but he always rolls over and nuzzles into his blankets.

Plays: He LOVES to roll. He rolls everywhere and back and forth. He pushes up on his arms and tummy and reaches for things. I feel like he may begin scooting sooner rather than later because he will already reach and roll for things. He plays really well with his toys- he likes to study them and really concentrate on playing. He would really rather be on the floor rolling from toy to toy than being held most the time. He also likes to stand. He's not very sturdy but he likes to stand if you are holding him or stand in his saucer toy. He also discovered his feet this month! Probably due to the fact that we were on vacation and he didn't have to wear socks and warm shoes all the time. He likes to play with them.

Likes: He likes his tongue lately. He is always sticking it out or twisting it inside of his mouth or trying to chew on it. It's cute to see his tiny little tongue sticking out. I also think it's because of teething (no teeth yet but I know they are on their way!) He also likes the ladies. Usually a girl can get a smile out of him way quicker than a boy. And of course he loves his own personal groupies here at home: Caitlin and I. He also likes playing airplane and "wrestling" daddy. He has this little grunty/chuckle laugh that is so funny.

Dislikes: Sitting up. He's just not into it. I think it maybe be uncomfortable on his big belly to bend. He will sit for a few seconds then fall over.

Other: He had his first trip out of the country, first plane ride in first class (pretty sad that his first was also my first), first Christmas, first New Years. He is wearing 9 month clothes, and still some 6-12 month things. He still wears mostly sweats for pants because he needs the elastic waistband all the way around. When we were in the airport traveling we put him in his carseat with one small blanket on teh suitcase scale: 33 lbs! That's what I'm lugging around on one arm everyday! I still take him in his car seat a lot because since he doesn't sit very well he likes to just lounge, and also he is warmer in there. His hair is growing so nicely! It's getting long and even growing over to tops of his ears. I love doing his little faux-hawk but it never stays for very long.

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