And the next morning Santa had come! Caitlin was so excited that Santa had come and ran out to find all the gifts. This was the year of Tinkerbell and Cinderella for her, she got lots of fun things from both grandparents and us an she was in heaven. Nolan was just happy and cute as always. He is easy to please. We also opened the rest of the presents we had for each other. It was really fun to just take our time. We opened all the kids stuff first and when they would open something we took it completely out of the package and played with it for awhile before moving on to the next thing and it was so fun to just enjoy each gift and not rush through opening. Caitlin of course helped Nolan open all of his.. He loved the paper more than anything. By the time the kids had opened all their things they were busy playing and then Paul and I got to open our presents. I got some really fun gifts that I'm excited about and Paul got some great things too. Then we had a yummy breakfast.

We loved just being able to spend the morning by the tree and the fire with our little family and soak that Christmas spirit up for one more day.
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