
30 weeks

-Yay! I'm 30 weeks now. I just feel like once you get a 3 in front, the clock is really ticking and I've covered some ground... like true progress is being made and we're almost to the final stretch!
-I don't know if I've mentioned this yet so i'll just mention it now: a food that i have been LOVING this pregnancy for the past couples months is chocolate shakes with cherry flavoring. When I waitressed at a burger/shakes place in high school i used to have them make me chocolate cherry shakes after my shifts and i just remembered them again. In a big way. So yummy.
-I had a Dr.'s visit last week: nothing to report really. I'm starting to pack on the pounds but everything still looks good. I also had to get my Rhogam shot because of my negative blood type which is one of the most annoying things to do when you are pregnant.. right up there with the glucose test. But that's ok, it's done now.
-Remember how i said i have a bad case of Pregnancy Brain this time?! Well: I took Caitlin to gymnastics on Monday and we were running late so i was in a hurry to get us out of the car. I only took my keys in with me because we take off our shoes and jackets and everything anyways for the class. I left my purse with EVERYTHING in it on the floor by the front seat. Then hurried inside. An hour later i walked out to the car to find BOTH of my front windows completely rolled down! WHAT?! i have no idea how this happened. Luckily, nothing was stolen and everything was still in it's place. And also luckily it started raining/hailing as soon as i got in and rolled the windows back up. WOW.
-I'm starting to feel like i'm definitely back in the 3rd trimester... Starting to not feel as great (sick to my stomach a few times) and definitely feeling a lack of energy and sleep. Also feeling just more uncomfortable in general.
-I have started feeling the nesting urges and that feeling that you get when you realize that this is happening and it's happening really pretty soon. It's exciting and a little nerve racking at the same time. There's only a few more months to go and I feel ready enough but definitely not completely so i'm excited to get into full baby mode and start finalizing my list of things i need to get and do before we meet our little guy!

Here's my 30 week pictures from when i was pregnant with Caitlin compared to my current 30 weeks picture. I even wore the same shirt for the full effect:
I will let you do your own compare/contrast but i will say: It's hard to imagine that in my picture with Caitlin we had just gotten back from our 3 week trip to Spain! It was also when i started getting a build-up of extra amniotic fluid that stayed with me til the end. So, we'll have to see how it goes from here this time!

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