
conference weekend

We had a lovely conference weekend. We were able to watch all of the sessions, spend time outside, hang out with family and friends, play games and eat lots of yummy food, as well as being spiritually fed.

Friday we hosted a "mini mission reunion" at our house for about 7 couples. Paul put it together with some of his closest mission friends from the Ghana, Accra mission. It was great to see everyone and get to know wives and kids better. Paul and Taylor found some Ghanian girls to make "fufu" for them so we had a potluck of traditional Ghanian fufu and granite soup (fufu is basically mashed up roots made into a dough-like ball then you put it in a spicy soup and grab off chunks with your fingers) and then some not-as-adventurous foods like pizza and salad and dessert. All the boys were more than excited to dip their paws in that fuf and soup and go to down on their Ghanian food. While the girls had a good time watching the kids and chatting. We all ate outside and then went back in for dessert and (of course) telling and re-telling of countless mission stories. Later that night we also got to visit with Paul's mission President and his wife: Bob & Lynette Gay. They were able to come over for a little while and it was such a pleasure and privilege to have them in their home. I will never underestimate the power of a mission president and the amount of love and respect that their missionaries have for them. Paul looks up to President Gay in so many ways and through so many facets of his life. The Gays were so kind to come and chat and get caught up with all of us. (Especially since it turns out they had a very busy day coming up: President Gay was called to serve in the first quorum of the seventy during the Saturday afternoon session). Before they left, we all knelt down together and President left us with a word of prayer. We felt the spirit very strongly during his prayer and were all very touched my his words and his testimony of the gospel that he bore and the blessings he promised us. It was a special experience.   

Saturday we mostly hung out the 3 of us and ran a few errands and enjoyed the beautiful weather between watching and listening to conference. Paul went to the Priesthood session with Mike and then Mike came over and played with Caitlin on his skateboard! Jenna came over too later on as well as Morgan and Whitney and we all talked and had desserts. Cassie and her room mate Whitney came to spend the night later that night.

Sunday we all got up to watch the first session and have our traditional scone breakfast. It was delicious. Caitlin was in heaven having all these people around to play with and snuggle with. We played with her between sessions and then finished off with the last one. After that we had dinner, played games and made cookies. Brad and Kinzie came over later too. It was such a nice and relaxing day.

The biggest messages of conference that I gained from listening were to make sure we are acting as true Christians all the time. One speaker mentioned the story about when President Hinckley was asked why members of the LDS church don't wear crosses around their necks like other christian religions. President Hinckley answered that the lives of our members should be the symbol of our religion. I had heard this story before but it had never made so much sense to me as this time: We should be living our lives so that people can tell we believe in and follow Christ without having to look for a necklace charm around our necks. We should show through what we do that we are living for Jesus. The other message that a lot of them spoke about was families, and specifically how to strengthen our families and do the best in our roles within our families. I am working to be a better wife and mother everyday and their words of encouragement and counsel are always helpful. Elder Neil L. Anderson talked about how we may not be at our very best everyday but as long as we are trying we will be blessed. He said,"wherever you find yourself on the way to discipleship: You are on the right road". One of my other favorite quotes was: "Our degree of gratitude is a measure of our love for Him" (Russell M Nelson). I am very grateful for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints and for the guidance and direction and answers to every question it gives me in my life. I am truly blessed.
1: the fufu and soup 2: Paul and Mike enjoying some leftovers 3: Caitlin and Jenna watching conference 4: Mike and Caitlin dancing to the pretty conference songs 5: Caitlin loving aunt Jenna as always 6: playing dominoes 7: Blokus with Cassie and Whitney 8: my loves

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