-Well, i thought i was doing well with my record of no throwing up during my pregnancy. NOT SO. Disaster struck about 3 days ago when i got food poisoning and had a very miserable about 36 hours up-chunking and trying to get over it. About as soon as i was over the initial stages, Paul started. Not good. But, we are ok now. And technically, since it was food poisoning and not morning sickness i can still kind of keep my record.
-speaking of food. I have definitely been on tons of little kicks with my cravings. I'll like something for a week or so then have no interest in it. (such as: smoothies, frosted mini-wheats, peanuts, cranberry juice, any juice really) but things that are still popular and also some new ones to the table are: lucky charms, fruit, pretzels, cucumbers. I also haven't had much of a sweet tooth since I've been pregnant (SO unlike me!) but lately i've been seriously craving one candy: Air Heads. One grocery store has them 8 for $1. Naturally, i bought 16.
-i have been a little bit of a space case lately. so forgetful. Especially while running errands or when calling someone for a specific purpose.
Example A: Paul opened the fridge the other night, only to find this:

oh don't worry, most households usually keep the can opener in the fridge.
Example B: I was telling Paul about the Easter surprise i got him when i realized that i forgot where i hid his surprise. It took me about 5 minutes to remember. And it's not like we have a big house with lots of hiding places.
And now for the belly pic:

You look cute! Gotta love for me how on the 2nd baby I have already been stretched out so I pop out a lot faster! It takes some time coming to terms with it! :) But you look great!