
Nolan's birth : in words

Nolan's birthday was perfect. I couldn't have asked for a better day and outcome. I was nervous about being induced again and having it take a long time or my body not responding well but that was not the case. I'm so glad that everything went so smoothly for both me and the baby. Here are all the details:
-Checked into the hospital at 6:45 AM. Let me just say from the get-go that I delivered at Orem Community hospital and I LOVED it there. All of the nurses were super nice and efficient and knowledgable yet the whole hospital had a casual, relaxed feel and pace. Our room was nice and big and we didn't ever have to switch from it. They also had a snack room open for all the dad/visitors that you could roam in and out of and Paul really enjoyed that. We had a great experience there.
-Got settled into our room and get ready to get everything started. I got my first beginning check at 7:30 and i was dilated to a 3 and 75% effaced going into the day.
-We had nurse Becky for the whole labor and she was great. She gave me my IV and started my first does of antibiotics (i tested strep B positive so i had to have two doses before giving birth).
-I was started on pitocin at 8:45 and went up in dosage every 30 minutes or so.
-I began having contractions that i could feel every 4-5 minutes.
-I was checked again at 10:05 and had progressed to a 4 and thinning out more.
-We were busy texting updates, playing games and hanging out all day. It was nice to have some time just Paul and I and also nice to have the visitors that we did. I had my fair share of juice and jello and Paul had about 10 frozen burritos from the snack room. Letting the day pass and just waiting for things to happen and progress is the hardest part.
-My contractions began to get harder and closer together (about 90 seconds apart). I was having a lot of back pain and feeling every bit of everything. I wanted to feel contractions and labor pains this time because I didn't really get to feel anything with Caitlin. This time, I did. I breathed through the contractions and let them come until I felt like wanted to be done. I know I could have "toughed it out" for longer if I had needed to but I got to the point where I felt like I now had an idea of the pain and since I knew I would be getting the epidural anyways, there was no reason to sit there in pain for any longer.
-I got my epidural at 12:15 and it went well. The numbing shot hurt more than i remembered and i had more back pain after delivery from it, but better than no epidural!
-Got checked again at 1:05 and i was only at a 5. I was dissapointed that my progression was not happening faster, especially after having all those contrations. I wanted to have my water broken but my doctor was busy at his office and not able to come.
-Mike came to visit and stayed for the rest of the day. My mom had been with Caitlin at home and she brought her to the hospital. Caitlin wasn't quite sure what to think of everything. She kind of just ignored me in the bed and played on the rolling stool and peekaboo in the curtains. Cassie met us there and visited for awhile and then Cassie switched with my mom and took Caitlin back to our house for the rest of the day.
-Dr. Judd sent a different doctor to come break my water at 3:15 because he still couldn't get away. I was still at a 5 when he broke it but hoping that was the key for things to pick up.
-Turns out it was indeed! Soon after my water was broken i began feeling pressure and even with the epidural i knew things were happening and that he was getting into position.
-At 4:45 (only an hour and a half later!) the nurse came back and checked me. She said "oh wow!" and i said "so am i progressing?!" and she said "umm yah.. you are complete and at a 10. I'm going to go call the doctor." YAY!
-The doctor wanted me to "rest and descend" for about an hour to get the baby into really god position before i started pushing. We were all so excited for that hour. Frantically calling family and sending out text updates to let everyone know it was happening soon! Jenna got there within the hour and got ready to take all my pictures!
-I started feeling a little shaky because of all the hormones but still felt good and no pain and mostly just excited. I pushed the button once on my epidural for a little extra boost for delivery. But i still had good feeling in my legs.
-Around 5:45 Dr. Judd came in and everyone got everything set up. Besides all the nurses and doctors, I had Paul, my mom and Jenna in the room with me. Dr. Judd was super calm and down to business but still his chatty self just talking through everything. I didn't do any practice pushes.. the baby was ready. He had e give two really big pushes and the baby was out to his ears. Then Dr. Judd worked with me giving a few more little pushes and worked the baby right out. Halfway through he asked me how big my frist baby was and i said "7.8.. what's your guess for this one?" almost jokingly and he said "a lot bigger.. probably 8 or 9 pounds" I was shocked.
-And that he was! Nolan was officially born at 6:06 (which was completely a coincidence because everything was happening so fast that we couldn't have even tried to time it but when time of birth was asked and we all heard everyone was so excited at the timing and all the number combos going on) He was 8 lbs. and 10 oz.... which is way bigger than i though any baby of mine would be. I just didn't think that he would be that big because Caitlin was over a pound smaller and because i myself had felt so much smaller this pregnancy. We were all shocked. He came out and we were all oohing and aahing about his hair and chubbiness and his big hands. He cried a little bit but was mostly super calm through all the clean up and checks.
-My body did well through the delivery and recovery for me physically has been a breeze. When the doctor came to check on me the next day he said out of all the babies he had delivered that day Nolan was the biggest and the hairiest.
-After the checks and everything they wrapped him up and handed him to Paul. Paul held his little boy for the first time and it was such a sweet moment for me to see. Then Paul handed him to me and I got to hold him. The moment when you lock eyes with someone whether it be a spouse or a new baby and you know that you will be with them and connected to them and love them for the rest of your life and theirs, for eternity, is the BEST MOMENT EVER.
 -We spent the rest of the evening just admiring him. Caitlin came a few hours later and her reaction was priceless. As soon as she came in the room she yelled "baby!!!!" She couldn't wait to get over onto the bed and check him out and she just kept saying "baby! oooh! baby!!" She wanted to hold him right way and give him kisses. It was so sweet. She also got to open a present from baby Nolan: a book, tic tacs and finger puppets. It was such a sweet moment to be with our new family of four. 

1 comment:

  1. I love reading birth stories! He is so cute and I am glad it was such a positive experience! Congrats again!
