Today is my
"Golden Birthday" (which
means I am turning 25 on the 25th). I have been looking forward to this
birthday for quite some time, well 25 years to be exact. So in honor of
my golden day, I wanted to share a list of "Golden Truths" about me that
you may or may not know. It was actually really hard for me to think of
all these things so i hope you can make it through them all.
I am scared of revolving doors... specifically getting stuck in one. I
picture me feeling so claustrophobic being stuck in there, yet being
able to see everyone around me still and having them see my reaction to
being stuck. I think I would cry. I've gotten a lot better though, i
will actually go through them now but i HAVE to go in my own section
alone. I used to refuse and look for any alternative normal door.
I am always humming or singing. I just get tunes caught in my head
really easily and usually just do it completely mindlessly while i am
busy doing other things. People have pointed it out before after being
around me and one time in class my teacher stopped teaching and asked
whoever was humming to please stop... oops it was me.
3. I
was born in Washington D.C. My family was actually living in Maryland at
the time but the closest hospital was in D.C. so technically I wasn't
born in a state!
I have very few pairs of plain colored socks. The only plain white
socks i have are for athletic purposes only. I almost always have
patterned socks or better yet: holiday themed. My mom used to always
give us socks on different holidays and we love that tradition so i
still have quite the collection of valentines, christmas, etc. socks
that i wear on a daily basis.
5. I am scared of big dogs.
When I was about 5 we lived in a cul-de-sac in Seattle and our neighbors
across from us had a big Lassie dog. Whenever it came around i would
get scared and start running away (because it was bigger than me) and it
would chase me when i started running. I'm sure it just wanted to play,
because i think it was probably a nice dog but I would scream and run
around the cul-de-sac... through trees, yards, whatever i had to do to
get back to my house safely. Ever since then i get nervous around big
6. Bunnies are my favorite animal. I love them. But i
will never have one as a pet because they are stinky. Regardless.. when
i was little my Grandpa Goulding said that i reminded him of a
floppy-eared bunny. I don't know exactly why but it has stuck and
bunnies have always kind of been "my" animal.
I really wanted to be a high school teacher for a long time while I was
growing up and part of me still wishes that I had stuck with it. I love
interior design but i think i could have had a lot of fun with those
high school kids. My main problem was that I mostly just wanted to hang
out with the kids and didn't know what subject i would want to teach.
I spell my first name without a U. This is because when i was born,
"Courtney" was still a fairly popular name for boys. My Grandma Pelton
was there in the hospital and convinced my dad to spell it differently and said it would look less
masculine without the U. So the two of them went to go sign the birth certificate without my mom's knowledge and she wasn't very happy when she found out. And that's why i spell my name
that way. For the most part i like being different (there are so many
different ways to spell it now anyway) but I do get a little nervous
still when i am about to get a certificate or when someone is writing
down my name and I know they are going to spell it wrong.
The biggest item on my bucket list is going on a hot air balloon ride. I
will do it someday. A close #2 is going to the Atlantis resort.
10. Right now i'm really into going to Greece and Australia. I love to travel and those are my dream places at the moment.
My favorite movie is Miss Congeniality. I could watch that movie
anytime. Also it's not the only reason why i love this movie but seems
appropriate to mention that they do say in the movie that my birthday,
April 25th, is "the perfect date: not too hot and not too cold, all you
need is a light jacket!"
If given the choice, I would have to say that I would rather go on a
sightseeing type trip than a beach-relax type trip, although there is
definitely a time and place for both.
13. I love quotes and
sayings. I love collecting them and i never have anything to really do
with them and I don't always remember them but i like how other people
can say what i'm thinking or what I need to hear better than I can.
I'm horrible at math. I've never liked it as a subject and I'm really
quite bad at it. My worst grade in college was in Calculus and i refused
to re-take the class and spent the rest of my college career trying to
bring back up my GPA after that. Somehow in my elementary career through
switching schools and moving and what not i missed the whole section on
fractions and quarts and liters and stuff so it's a wonder i can cook
anything and I also can't do mental math AT ALL, it's embarrassing.
However, I am usually really good with dates. I remember people's
birthdays and anniversaries and stuff pretty easily and that's probably
the only thing I'm good at with numbers.
15. I'm scared of
big waves. Mostly scared of one crashing over me and me getting stuck
underneath the water in the undertow. It's really a pretty legitimate
fear so anything involving body surfing, real surfing, scuba diving,
etc. would take a lot of mental preparation for me.
16. I
am horrible with saving money. I have actually improved DRASTICALLY
since Paul and I have been married because he has been so patient and
taught me so much and because quite frankly sometimes we just HAD to
save to make it through the month! But, one example of how bad I am with
savings is right before Paul and I got married we went into my bank to
close my personal bank account because we were planning on opening a new
joint account. I told Paul i thought i probably had a couple hundred
dollars in my account and he said ok. We started talking to the teller
and told hm we wanted to pull everything out and close the account. As
he looked up my account he said there is actually no money left to pull
out, and i had just over-drafted so.. in fact WE OWED THEM to close the
account. Wow that's embarrassing. I'm lucky Paul still married me! haha
I tried out for the "Design Star" show on HGTV a couple years ago. I
sent in a video and got a call from one of the casting directors and had
a lengthy phone interview with them but it never went further...
obviously i was never on the show but it was kinda fun to get close!
18. I
love the fact that Paul and I have known each other since we were
little. I love our story of my unrequited love from a young age. Once
when we were little at our family Christmas party we were acting out the
play of the nativity story and the couple helping all the kids knew
about my huge crush on Paul so they had us be Mary & Joseph. I
was in heaven and we still have the picture hanging in our room to prove
19. I have moved 7 times in my life. This includes my move up here to Utah
from Texas when I came to college. Doesn't include moves within states.
Moving as a kid is both awful and amazing. We mostly always moved
because of my dad's jobs and at the time, it was always hard but looking
bad I am so glad that i was able to have all the experiences i did and
meet all the people that i have. I know I would be a very different
person without that.
20. I really liked to perform when I
was little. Chelsea and I would set up all our stuffed animals on the
stairs and park our "star stage" microphone at the bottom and dress up
and put on shows. I did dance classes for like 6 years and love being in
my recitals, Whitney and I used to dress up and rock out to the Go Go's
almost daily and I loved doing cheer in high school and being in the
pep rallies. Now unfortunately I'm too nervous to sing or dance in front
of anyone.
21. When
I was little I did NOT like men. I even preferred my mom over my dad
and I would freak out if I ever had a man teacher for anything. I don't
think I have ever sat on Santa's lap. When i was probably about 4 i had a
boy swimming teacher and he wore a speedo and it freaked me out and
kind of scarred me for life. Although I obviously got over it eventually
and probably even made up for it with how boy-crazy I was as a
22. My least favorite household chore is doing
the dishes. I don't really ave a particular reason I have just never
liked it. My favorite thing to do is probably vacuuming and i used to
like ironing but getting married and having to now iron Paul's shirts
has ruined that for me.
But my very least favorite of all would definitely be pulling weeds.
23. My
feet totally regulate my body temp. If my feet are cold, the rest of me
is cold. If my feet are hot, i'm burning up everywhere. Paul always
laughs at me because whenever i get hot sleeping at night i just stick
my feet out of the covers to cool off. Then the other night we noticed
that Caitlin likes to have her feet out of her blanket too!
24. Orange tic tacs are my favorite food. Yes, food. Not candy or mint. They
are a legitimate snack in my book and they are my fave. They are tied
with chocolate though.
25. I'm not afraid of getting older
(unlike other people in our household, but we'll reserve those comments
for next month). I think 25 will be an awesome year, and i still feel
super young. True, I've been married almost five years and have 2 kids,
but i'm still feeling fresh! I'm happy to be entering my "mid-twenties"
And i LOVE my life. I know it will only get better.