
(about) 15 weeks

Pregnancy Update: So far this pregnancy has been similar to Caitlin's in some ways, but really different in others. Some of the morning-sickness stuff has lasted a little longer than I was anticipating, thought i would be much better by now but i still come across a rough day here or there.
- I'm not super sick, but also not symptom-less. I have frequent head aches and almost constant tummy aches. I have a love/hate relationship with foods: i want to eat but have really bad aversions so it's hard for me to find things that sound good. I have been craving a lot more salty things this time around (different than with Caitlin). I've been drinking way more soda this time around (just Sprite and Ginger Ale because it calms my tummy). Everytime i eat, no matter what it is i get a stomach ache. Nothing settles well. I literally got through a 2 liter of Sprite in a week.
-Also, i have been anemic for a couple weeks and that has really taken it out of me. Tired and light headed, and craving red meats.
-And lastly: what does it say about me when 90% of my laundry from the past week is sweats? I'm tired. But excited to be starting this new little phase and positive that the outcome will far outweigh the uncomfort. I'm also hopeful that as I enter my 2nd trimester things will get better.
-I've also had really bad "round ligament pain" (at least that's what it's called in "what to expect..") basically sharp pains around my stomach... growing pains. I get them throughout the day and they are keeping me up at night.
-I'm definitely growing faster this time. I don't think i look like i'm showing, but i'm definitely pooching and stretching sooner than i did with Caitlin.
-I went to the doctor yesterday and everything is looking good. They found our baby's heartbeat right way and it sounded strong. I asked the doc about my ligament pains and he said they get worse with every pregnancy and the ligaments on your right side are shorter so that's why they are worse over there. Interesting. My weight gain is at a -3 right now (i'm still losing weight because of not being able to eat very much) but my doctor said i shouldn't be worried and to enjoy my small weight while i can because i will make up for it and then some... thanks for reminding me.  

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