-We finally got that boating outing and Jeff and Paul and Rebekah wake boarded while the others chilled on the boat. Paul did take Melissa, Rebekah and I out on the tube "really slowly" but it was definitely bouncy out there and i think the baby might have gotten a little more of a ride than she bargained for. If she's anything like me though she will LOVE tubing when she gets out. The weather was lovely and the water felt great.
-Saturday night we had a couples baby shower hosted for us by Christine, Lorraine and Melissa. They did an AMAZING job. It was so fun and everything looked so pretty.. and pink! We had a really good turn out and were able to see lots of great friends and mingle. We had dinner and the food was delicious and we opened lots of presents and I'm so excited to now have pretty much a full wardrobe of the cutest things! Now I'm getting even more excited for her to come out and wear them. Lorraine and my sisters-in-law worked so hard and did so much I'm so grateful to them for putting the whole party together I know it was a lot of work and it turned out fantastic!

-Tuesday morning Christine and Chris found out they are having a baby BOY! We were all DIEING to know and i am so happy. I'm so lucky because now i get a niece AND a nephew. It'll be fun to have a boy in the mix to keep me and Melissa's girls on their toes.

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