About a week before the event, I made a spur of the moment decision to do a half marathon with Rebekah. Stewart also made a similar spur of the moment decision and the three of us participated in the Provo Halloween Half on October 27th. This was my second half marathon,
my first being over a year and one baby ago. I figured since I have been doing the Insanity workouts so religiously I was in pretty good cardio shape and I was curious to see how I would do. I went on a 5 mile run a couple days before and that was my only training run. This marathon was fun because it was entertaining to see everyone running in their costumes. Rebekah and I dressed up as cats and we entered the costume contest as "siamese cats" with band around our stomachs and legs (like a three-legged race). But when we didn't win we decided not to run that way. It was SUPER cold at the top and I couldn't feel my feet for about the first 3 miles but by the end it had warmed up and was quite pleasant.

Rebekah and Stewart definitely did better than me, but I was still
proud of myself for running the whole time (although at times I was running so slow I may as well have been walking) and sticking with it and
finishing with a decent time. I stuck with the other two for the first 5 miles and felt good then widened the gap during the 6th mile and then I was on my own for the rest. The course started at Sundance and went along the Provo Canyon trail and it was a really gorgeous run. Miles 8-11 were definitely my hardest. Overall I had a good time doing it (well, as good of a time as you can have while putting your body through 13.1 miles). Paul and the kids and Mike and Jenna were all so great to come to the the finish line to greet us.
*I also want to add that I was surprisingly not as sore or injured as I thought I might be the days afterward so I was very grateful for that.
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