Eats: He started eating rice cereal this month. I was going to wait because he obviously is not lacking for mass but the doctor said it would help him sleep longer more consistently if I wanted to try. So we did. He eats about 2 tablespoons of rice cereal with his bottle around dinner time. Surprisingly, he is not a fan of eating off a spoon. He acts like he is going to gag and makes all kinds of faces of torture so we basically have to wash down every bite with his bottle. He has definitely improved over the month but he still doesn't enjoy it as much as I thought he would! He still drinks a 7 oz. bottle 4 times a day.
Sleeps: The rice cereal definitely works though! He now sleeps 12-13 hours every night and I feel like I have my nights rest back! It's amazing. He has been sleeping from about 9:30-10 AM He also still takes two naps during the day. He's a dream.
Plays: I found an exersaucer on ksl.com and got it for him. He gets tired of the standing position after a little while but so far he has responded well to it. He is starting to play with all the little toys more. He also is starting to roll everywhere. I will set him down in one place and find him several feet away! He is also getting stronger on his tummy and better at holding his head up.
Dislikes: (besides eating) He doesn't like to try to sit on his own, or even be propped up. He will sit on your lap if you are holding him, but otherwise he likes to be standing or laying down flat.
Other: He has started to chuckle a little bit. Especially when you kiss under his chin rolls on his neck. Caitlin was the same way. His hair is thickening back up, however he does still have a small bald spot going on. We celebrated his first Halloween this month. He was adorable as Mickey Mouse.

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