Our little chunk is doing great! He is such a sweetheart and so chill. He is so smiley and good natured. He is pretty much always happy until he's hungry. We love him to pieces.

-Eats: He has moved completely to 7 ounces. At first it was just at night or when he still seemed hungry and now its all the time, the whole bottle. He is getting so big. I feel like he is so much older just because he is so huge. He tanks his bottle and doesn't spit up too often. He eats 4, sometimes 5 times a day about every 4 hours.
-Sleeps: He is a great sleeper. I haven't really done any sleep training with him because of all our travels so luckily he is naturally good. He takes at least two naps a day (one in the morning and one in the afternoon) for about 2 hours. Then he will catnap in the evening before bed. He goes to bed around 9:30 and will wake up around 6-6:30 at the earliest but sometimes he has slept later, even until 9 one time. When he wakes up early he goes back to sleep until 10 or so. Another thing I love about him is that he goes right back to sleep it's so nice and easy when he wakes up during the night. To put him to bed we just lay him in his crib, give him a blanky and sometimes a binky if he wants it and say goodnight. He likes to stretch out and go to sleep on his own and rarely even makes a peep.

-Plays: He loves playing with things like the hanging toys from play mats or his bouncer. He also likes toys that play songs. He is starting to become a lot more aware of his surroundings and he follows things with his eyes as tracks objects. He rolled from back to front on September 21 so he can now roll both ways and he does so pretty often.
-Likes: He likes interaction. He doesn't have to be the center of attention but he likes to be around people and in the action. He is very vocal: he likes to coo and goo and babble. He likes his blankies and specifically likes to have them by his face and cheeks. He likes sucking his fingers.. pretty much any or all of them will do. He also likes to be held facing out.
-Dislikes: Burping, and being left alone (if he's not going to sleep). He doesn't love "tummy time" either. Now that he can roll he pretty much avoids it at all costs.

-Other: His hair is thinning out and he is getting a little bald spot in the back that I'm hoping won't get bigger but in better news his eyes look like they will for sure stay blue and they are so beautiful! Between him and Caitlin he is getting accidentally scratched all the time. My kids have the sharpest fingernails-- I have to cut them like twice a week! It's so sad. We tried him out in the regular forward-facing stroller while in Texas and he did great! His 4 month stats at the doctor were:
weight: 18 lbs. 6 oz. (94%)
length: 25.75 inches (77%)
head circumference: 16.9 inches (89%)
He also did great with his shots while we were there, he just let out one little shriek and that was it. Such a brave little boy! He got a little sad later on in the day but overall did great.
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