
joys of motherhood: september

-Trying to get Caitlin to sit and eat a full meal is a chore. She has a hard time focusing. I usualy end up having her sit up on the counter for breakfast, and sometimes lunch. So anyways we do all kinds of bites, but we started doing big daddy bite, medium mommy bites and little baby bites. I thought she was getting it that the bites correlated to a certain size until she started asking for "jenna bites" and "mike bites"... so just know if you are a part of our family you have had bites dedicated to you.

-Locks on doorknobs have become all-important and meaningless all in the past month between Caitlin locking herself in her room by accident, to needing to lock her in to sleep, to her learning how to unlock them. It's been interesting.

-Caitlin has an amazing memory of places. Whenever we drive somewhere and pull up she remembers where we are. Even the other day I got lost going somewhere and I went past Mike and Jenna's apartment and she started asking for them. Or she notices where Aunt Chelsea works. Whenever we drive past Cabelas she starts talking about seeing the fish.
-Nolan snores so loud whenever he sleeps. It's hilarious. The other night I went to a church thing with my mom and we were listening to a speaker so it was quiet and he fell asleep and started snoring and people around me kept looking to see who was sleeping.
-Christine and I found a new song we love while I was in Texas: "some nights" by FUN and it's our new feel good song. One time it came on the radio as we were pulling into the driveway and we say in the car and finished listening to it before we went back into the house and entered the madness of 4 kids under 3. Sometimes that's what you need as a mom: a friend and a feel good song.

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