
today i'm 38 weeks. and 4 days.

-Yesterday I had a Doctor's appointment and she looked.. sympathetic to see me there. She walked in and said "oh... you're still pregnant." haha YUP. 2 things that i already know about my little girl: she will most likely love swimming. and she's stubborn.
-I had dilated a little bit more, so I'm at like a 3.5 and i'm still measuring around 44 and she stripped my membranes, again.
-I've had some contractions here and there but still nothing to actually take into the hospital. So I'm now resigned to the fact that i will be induced, and i really don't think she's coming before Friday. But that's ok, Friday is soon enough.
-This morning i had my last Non-Stress Test and everything is still looking good as far as the baby's movements and heart rate. I still have too much fluid.
-Most exciting right now though: We finished the nursery!! My mom has been working so hard helping me do everything and finish everything and I think it turned out so beautiful. My mom is such a perfectionist and you can really tell with how everything came together. She made all the bedding and it is SO SO pretty i love it, it's exactly how i wanted it to be when i picked out all the fabrics. I couldn't be happier with it. It's just a perfect little room for our perfect little girl.


  1. Beyond fabulous nursery...your mom is my hero and your design is amazing...Friday is oh so close...can't wait to see Caitlin Labor Day weekend.

  2. ok i wanna cry and die! she is the most spoiled thing ever, you and your mom did an amazing job!

  3. Thats looks amazing! Sorry I couldn't make it to the shower tonight, I had a family bridal shower in SLC. Only 2 more days!

  4. sooo cute!!! you guys are amazing. uh, can you come do my nursery next? hehe LOVE it!!
