pregnancy update: (so i can remember every little detail, and so you can read them if you feel so inclined)
-Just a by the way, with my high-fluid situation the doctors want to induce me at 39 weeks so they can monitor my water breaking and everything, but if go into labor before that day, that's fine too. Everyone has been saying that i probably will because a lot of times high amniotic fluid (polyhydramnios is the technical name) will put you into pre-term labor (which at this point it's not even pre-term). But i'm now trying not to listen because it's just getting my hopes up. However, I'm glad there is a definite end in sight: on August 27th, if i haven't had her by then, i will be induced. One more week!-And speaking of inducement, i do want to say that i have always been pretty against it as far as getting induced before your due date because i felt like the baby should come when it's ready, not when it's convenient. But, with my situation since there is a more medical basis... and since i feel like i'm lugging around a belly that is 4 weeks overdue and i'm about to pop any minute, literally GUSH... i'm ok with it.
-So at about 4:30 Friday morning i knew i was not going to be sleeping any more for the night. I tossed and turned for about another hour, along with Paul who was trying to give me pillows, heating pads, water, anything he could to get me comfy. Not happening. So around 5:45 he stood up and said, "ok we're going for a walk". And walk we did. We walked all over Provo, including down to Great Harvest bakery (chatted with Jason had some lovely banana bread). We got home around 7:45. For about an hour of the walk, i was having medium-strong contractions every 5 minutes. We were totally getting our hopes up and thinking that this would be the day! Then we got home and i fell back asleep until about 9:30. And then i didn't really have any contractions for the rest of the day. heartbroken. and still waiting.

-On Saturday all of us girls went and got pedicures. We went to Juicy Nails in the Riverwoods and it was AMAZING! They massage for forever, use hot rocks, and I got the hot paraffin wax. It was truly heavenly. Didn't put me into labor unfortunately but I thoroughly enjoyed it.

-Everyone has been telling me, "You just need to get down and clean those baseboards and you'll go into labor!" I didn't know if this was just kind of something that people said, or an old wives' tale or what, or an actual remedy but i decided to put it to the test. I scrubbed all the baseboards, doors and countertops in our house. Nothing's happened yet.
Oh, you poor thing. I am sure you're so ready to have your baby girl. I can hardly wait to hear the news. At least your baseboards and everything are all clean now. You'll be in my prayers, Cortney. I hope it all goes well and your little baby arrives without any concerns. Thinking of you...