-I've hit 35 pounds of gained weight. This was my max weight gain that I wanted, looks like that won't be happening.
- She's head down and in the ready position.
-I'm dilated to a 2
-side note: I had some contractions Saturday night.
-I'm measuring big (39)
-The doctor thinks there's a good chance she'll come early.
Basically, when she's ready I'm ready because I'm just feeling so big and uncomfortable but then after today I kinda thought "Wait, no maybe I'm not ready!" It's a crazy feeling that it's all getting so soon! I'm so excited to see her, but I am SO scared for the actual birthing part. Then again, maybe I will make it all the way to my due date, but even that's not too far away!

Follow up: on Tuesday (8.3) We went to do a Non-Stress Test at the hospital. They did an ultrasound to measure how much amniotic fluid I have and it turns out I do have extra, like my doctor thought, which is why I was measuring so much bigger. We are still not really sure what the risks/problems are associated with having too much since we haven't met with my doctor yet again for her to explain it, and the lady doing the test couldn't really tell us much. But my doctor is aware and didn't seem like too much of an emergency for now. She also ordered an ultrasound that I will get on Friday to see how big my baby is right now. I will have these Non-Stress Tests weekly now. Also during the test they hooked me up to 2 monitors and looked at my baby's heart rate and my contractions. Her heart rate was prefect, she was moving around and doing great. We found out i was having contractions about every 2 minutes, but they called them "uterine irritability" where my uterus is being stretched and wants to contract, but it feels more like a cramp or my stomach getting hard to me rather than a true labor contraction. I have definitely been feeling these cramps but never thought of them as a type of contraction. She said if they do start feeling stronger and are consistent, to come into the hospital.
So that's the update as of right now! I'm feeling a little overwhelmed because I'm not sure where the doctor is going to want to go from here. I have had such an easy and seamless pregnancy up til now, I thought the next few weeks were my time to just chill and wait for her to get here but now things are getting a little complicated! I'm sure everything will turn out fine though and it's probably not even as big of a deal as I'm thinking it is.
So that's the update as of right now! I'm feeling a little overwhelmed because I'm not sure where the doctor is going to want to go from here. I have had such an easy and seamless pregnancy up til now, I thought the next few weeks were my time to just chill and wait for her to get here but now things are getting a little complicated! I'm sure everything will turn out fine though and it's probably not even as big of a deal as I'm thinking it is.
I was terrified of the birthing part too! Everything will be ok! It's really not as bad as you think! I don't know how you are planning on giving birth but epidurals just feel like a normal shot and then it's just a waiting game, I was worried I would feel stuck and claustrophobic being numb but it was really ok!Oh and if you don't feel bonded to your baby right away it's ok! it will come! Have Paul give you a blessing and good luck!