my last full day of being pregnant
...that seems so crazy! We found out we were pregnant on January first, so I have been pregnant every single day of this 2010 year. It's been quite the adventure! I know I always say that about being pregnant but it really is just a little personal adventure. Everyday new and exciting/not exciting/weird/gross/unexpected things happen to you and you just never know what you're going to get! There are so many things about my pregnancy that have surprised me, things that have happened or not happened that I thought for sure when I was pregnant would be different. And then there have been things that I never even knew would happen that have surprised me. Overall I have felt really good about my pregnancy. It went by really fast for me (except for this last month.. that was crawling by). And I've been healthy the whole time. Of course there have been some ups and downs (and I've posted most of them on here) but all in all I've been really blessed, Paul's been really blessed and also been a HUGE blessing to me, and our baby has been really blessed. Because of all of our circumstances, I have such a firm testimony that this little baby girl is so meant to come to Earth right now and join our family. Even through our little risks that we've experienced and everything doctors have said I just know she will be perfect and that she will be the perfect baby for us to have. I'm so glad that Heavenly Father has a plan for all of us and that He has created families because they are without a doubt the most important unit on Earth, and forever after that into eternity. I'm so thankful that I could be so lucky to have this pregnancy experience and grow this little life inside of me.

(look at that belly! It gets so lop-sided too)
I can't believe that TOMORROW I will finally meet my baby Caitlin and put a face with the name and little person who's been wiggling around in there for so long. I can't even explain how excited we are to see her and see what she looks like and just snuggle her all the time. I'm not scared for delivery anymore (ok maybe still a tiny bit) but mostly I just feel ready, I feel empowered and I feel like I can do it and it will go fine. I'm so glad that I've had this time to prepare over the last month, even though everyone was telling me I was for sure going to be early, the timing has worked out really well and everything is in place for her to come into our lives. I can't believe that tomorrow we will truly be parents!!
Wish me luck!
I can't believe that TOMORROW I will finally meet my baby Caitlin and put a face with the name and little person who's been wiggling around in there for so long. I can't even explain how excited we are to see her and see what she looks like and just snuggle her all the time. I'm not scared for delivery anymore (ok maybe still a tiny bit) but mostly I just feel ready, I feel empowered and I feel like I can do it and it will go fine. I'm so glad that I've had this time to prepare over the last month, even though everyone was telling me I was for sure going to be early, the timing has worked out really well and everything is in place for her to come into our lives. I can't believe that tomorrow we will truly be parents!!
Wish me luck!
showering with friends
Tiffany, Whitney and Chelsea threw me a shower on Wednesday night. It was so fun! They did an awesome job putting it on and decorating and everything was so cute. I am so thankful for my friends. They have all been so excited for Paul and I to have our baby and it's been so fun to go through my pregnancy with them by my side. They are all so supportive and full of great advice and tips. Thank you to everyone that came!!

(almost) everyone who was there

look at the adorable banner! you better believe it's hanging in my house right now.
my lovely hostesses and the diaper cake Whitney made me!

Saunie totally won the string game! She was like within a 1/2 inch! Good job!
love you girls
umm my face looks a little deformed in this picture, but you can copy it if you want Shannel haha
today i'm 38 weeks. and 4 days.
-Yesterday I had a Doctor's appointment and she looked.. sympathetic to see me there. She walked in and said "oh... you're still pregnant." haha YUP. 2 things that i already know about my little girl: she will most likely love swimming. and she's stubborn.
-I had dilated a little bit more, so I'm at like a 3.5 and i'm still measuring around 44 and she stripped my membranes, again.
-I've had some contractions here and there but still nothing to actually take into the hospital. So I'm now resigned to the fact that i will be induced, and i really don't think she's coming before Friday. But that's ok, Friday is soon enough.
-This morning i had my last Non-Stress Test and everything is still looking good as far as the baby's movements and heart rate. I still have too much fluid.
-Most exciting right now though: We finished the nursery!! My mom has been working so hard helping me do everything and finish everything and I think it turned out so beautiful. My mom is such a perfectionist and you can really tell with how everything came together. She made all the bedding and it is SO SO pretty i love it, it's exactly how i wanted it to be when i picked out all the fabrics. I couldn't be happier with it. It's just a perfect little room for our perfect little girl.

-I had dilated a little bit more, so I'm at like a 3.5 and i'm still measuring around 44 and she stripped my membranes, again.
-I've had some contractions here and there but still nothing to actually take into the hospital. So I'm now resigned to the fact that i will be induced, and i really don't think she's coming before Friday. But that's ok, Friday is soon enough.
-This morning i had my last Non-Stress Test and everything is still looking good as far as the baby's movements and heart rate. I still have too much fluid.
-Most exciting right now though: We finished the nursery!! My mom has been working so hard helping me do everything and finish everything and I think it turned out so beautiful. My mom is such a perfectionist and you can really tell with how everything came together. She made all the bedding and it is SO SO pretty i love it, it's exactly how i wanted it to be when i picked out all the fabrics. I couldn't be happier with it. It's just a perfect little room for our perfect little girl.

today i'm 38 weeks. and 2 days.
pregnancy update: (so i can remember every little detail, and so you can read them if you feel so inclined)
-Just a by the way, with my high-fluid situation the doctors want to induce me at 39 weeks so they can monitor my water breaking and everything, but if go into labor before that day, that's fine too. Everyone has been saying that i probably will because a lot of times high amniotic fluid (polyhydramnios is the technical name) will put you into pre-term labor (which at this point it's not even pre-term). But i'm now trying not to listen because it's just getting my hopes up. However, I'm glad there is a definite end in sight: on August 27th, if i haven't had her by then, i will be induced. One more week!-And speaking of inducement, i do want to say that i have always been pretty against it as far as getting induced before your due date because i felt like the baby should come when it's ready, not when it's convenient. But, with my situation since there is a more medical basis... and since i feel like i'm lugging around a belly that is 4 weeks overdue and i'm about to pop any minute, literally GUSH... i'm ok with it.
-So at about 4:30 Friday morning i knew i was not going to be sleeping any more for the night. I tossed and turned for about another hour, along with Paul who was trying to give me pillows, heating pads, water, anything he could to get me comfy. Not happening. So around 5:45 he stood up and said, "ok we're going for a walk". And walk we did. We walked all over Provo, including down to Great Harvest bakery (chatted with Jason had some lovely banana bread). We got home around 7:45. For about an hour of the walk, i was having medium-strong contractions every 5 minutes. We were totally getting our hopes up and thinking that this would be the day! Then we got home and i fell back asleep until about 9:30. And then i didn't really have any contractions for the rest of the day. heartbroken. and still waiting.

-On Saturday all of us girls went and got pedicures. We went to Juicy Nails in the Riverwoods and it was AMAZING! They massage for forever, use hot rocks, and I got the hot paraffin wax. It was truly heavenly. Didn't put me into labor unfortunately but I thoroughly enjoyed it.

-Everyone has been telling me, "You just need to get down and clean those baseboards and you'll go into labor!" I didn't know if this was just kind of something that people said, or an old wives' tale or what, or an actual remedy but i decided to put it to the test. I scrubbed all the baseboards, doors and countertops in our house. Nothing's happened yet.
Cassie made her arrival in P-town for good... newest college freshman/BYU zoobie on the scene. We're so glad to have you here!

and so did "Grandma and Grandpa Pelton"

we've just got a few other key players to get into town and then this baby can make her debut! It's SO hard trying to time things, or rather trying to work around something that you can't time. Everyone asks me: "when is she coming?" if only i knew.
BUT I'm glad my family is here! At least it will make time pass more quickly!

and so did "Grandma and Grandpa Pelton"

we've just got a few other key players to get into town and then this baby can make her debut! It's SO hard trying to time things, or rather trying to work around something that you can't time. Everyone asks me: "when is she coming?" if only i knew.
BUT I'm glad my family is here! At least it will make time pass more quickly!
8.18: Happy Birthday Tiffany!
Happy Birthday Tiff! Thank you for being such an awesome friend, a cute mom, my working out role model, and a fellow wife to crazy husbands. Love you! I hope this year brings you all the things you want.. but not too far away from me!

A bunch of friends and family went to dinner for Tiffany's birthday on Wednesday.
today i'm 37 weeks. and 3 days.
-So, at my Non-Stress Test on Thursday we found out my amount of amniotic fluid jumped up to 46. (A normal amount is around 22) A little alarming but still no reason for concern i guess. As our doctor told us, "It's not a problem for the baby, and it's not a health risk for you... it just makes you more uncomfortable. But that's still not a valid reason to induce you right way." awesome. Our little baby is going to LOVE swimming when she gets out because that is all she's doing in there. At some point i feel like my stomach won't be able to stretch anymore.. today at the doctor i measured 44 . I'm now 4 weeks overdue if you ask the measuring tape.-She's definitely just taking her own sweet time. I'm still dilated to a 3 and still about 80% effaced. I am definitely ready to go into labor! The grandmas plan to get here the end of this week so anytime as of Friday will be perfect. I feel like I've held out long enough and with all this fluid in my belly i think i could literally burst. It's very uncomfortable.
-Today was my last day of work. It was kind of surreal, but nice. I still haven't officially decided if I will go back or not... but it's been a really good 2 years and I've learned a lot and grown a lot as a person and as a designer.
-Something that has just hit me as being really funny lately is when people say, "Just hang in there," or "Don't give up you're almost done." It's like: Well, thank you for the kind words because i was actually thinking about quitting. I'm just going to quit being pregnant. Tomorrow... I'm done. Umm kinda too late for that decision. I get what they mean but it's just funny if you think about it.
-If you need me, I'll be walking.

pirate party
Saturday morning our little neighbor Brayden had his 4th birthday party. He had a pirate party and it was was so darling! Carlie (his mom) did such a good job with everything. We got great food and had a fun time. Brayden is such a funny kid.. he legitimately thinks that Paul is his uncle. He tells his extended family and stuff and they're all like "Who is Paul?!" haha And then the other day he asked me, "umm Cortney are you going to have my baby after my birthday party or before?" HIS baby huh? haha He always calls it his baby. But hey I guess we're all family if Paul really is your uncle. He keeps us laughing all the time with all the things he says and does.

Brayden and Paul

London walking the plank

Look at those awesome cupcakes.. Carlie is amazing.

aaargh mateys.

Brayden and Paul

London walking the plank

Look at those awesome cupcakes.. Carlie is amazing.

aaargh mateys.
camping night
Friday night we went camping with a bunch of friends. Paul and I (ok mostly I) decided to opt out on the actual camping portion and so we didn't spend the night.. that's just a decision you can make when your very pregnant. Nonetheless we had a really fun night. We went up the canyon by Timpanogos and it was such a beautiful drive! It was packed with campers up there but eventually we found a sweet spot that the boys made into our little campground home while the girls chatted and watched. Once everything was set up we (actually mostly the boys again) made a DELICIOUS dinner for everyone -- grilled chicken and steak and corn with rolls, fruit and then dessert. We played games and talked around the campfire and of course made some s'mores. It was a really fun night to be outside and great weather. I'm kinda sad we didn't go up camping more this summer!

Morgan and Paul bringing the grill over across the stream

the boys: our planners, packers, camp-makers, cooks and entertainment. Thanks guys!

all the girls

Getting things going on the grill

Morgan and Paul bringing the grill over across the stream

the boys: our planners, packers, camp-makers, cooks and entertainment. Thanks guys!

all the girls

Getting things going on the grill
today i'm 36 weeks. and 4 days.
-On Friday (8/6) we got an ultrasound ordered by our doctor to see how our baby looks after finding out about my high amniotic fluid situation. Basically she looked great! She's already over 6 pounds and doesn't show any physical problems. It was so fun to have another ultrasound, although at this point I just really want to see her in person!! There are still risks involved that can't be completely ruled out with the high fluid, but at this point things are looking good. Here's a few previews of our little pride and joy:
look at the chunky little arm!

-I feel like I'm going to pop. My stomach is just SO full. I basically just want to be wearing Paul's basketball shorts and T-shirts.. real cute. So if you see me out in public in this, don't judge.
-I've been having dreams lately about my water breaking in public places. usually at work while I'm helping a customer. Let's hope this is not a dream that comes true.
-Mostly I'm just big and exhausted. I feel like i can't do anything normal anymore. However, someone asked me the other day if I've enjoyed being pregnant and I could honestly answered that yes, i have. I wouldn't say I've loved it like some women do, but I have had overall a really good pregnancy and it's gone by fast and my husband has been so so helpful and awesome and it will be all the more worth it when i get my little baby in my arms. It's been a fun adventure.
-I've been having dreams lately about my water breaking in public places. usually at work while I'm helping a customer. Let's hope this is not a dream that comes true.
-Mostly I'm just big and exhausted. I feel like i can't do anything normal anymore. However, someone asked me the other day if I've enjoyed being pregnant and I could honestly answered that yes, i have. I wouldn't say I've loved it like some women do, but I have had overall a really good pregnancy and it's gone by fast and my husband has been so so helpful and awesome and it will be all the more worth it when i get my little baby in my arms. It's been a fun adventure.


Happy Birthday to my amazing Mom! Can't wait for you to come up this month! Hope your day was everything you wanted it to be.. thank you for everything you do for me. Love you mom, you're the best.
P.S. You still don't look old enough to be a Grandma.
Mike & Jenna 7.7.10
On August 7th Mike and Jenna got married. Their day was beautiful and they are so in love. I'm so happy for them. First was a luncheon at the Joseph Smith Building, followed by their sealing in the Salt Lake Temple, then a beautiful reception at Thanksgiving Point. They are a great couple and they really are perfect for each other. So excited to have another sister-in-law!

family baby shower
On Thursday my Aunt Shauna and Aunt Debbie threw me a baby shower! I was able to have relatives from both sides of my family there and Paul's family had just gotten in town for the wedding so I was lucky enough for them to be able to come to it too, along with a few of Paul's aunts and grandma. It was so fun with be with family and get everyone caught up. Everyone was so supportive and excited to meet the newest little member of the family, and of course I got some darling gifts! What a fun night!

today i'm 35 weeks. and 3 days.
So I had a doctor's appointment this morning and it was my first one where I really felt like the ball is rolling and that this baby inside of me is coming soon and not just a faraway thought. Our doctor kinda got her game face on, Paul left the appointment convinced that we're having our baby this week, and I left feeling a little overwhelmed and scared and shocked and really wondering when she will come, but not getting my hopes up. Here's what we found out:
-I've hit 35 pounds of gained weight. This was my max weight gain that I wanted, looks like that won't be happening.
- She's head down and in the ready position.
-I'm dilated to a 2
-side note: I had some contractions Saturday night.
-I'm measuring big (39)
-The doctor thinks there's a good chance she'll come early.
Basically, when she's ready I'm ready because I'm just feeling so big and uncomfortable but then after today I kinda thought "Wait, no maybe I'm not ready!" It's a crazy feeling that it's all getting so soon! I'm so excited to see her, but I am SO scared for the actual birthing part. Then again, maybe I will make it all the way to my due date, but even that's not too far away!

-I've hit 35 pounds of gained weight. This was my max weight gain that I wanted, looks like that won't be happening.
- She's head down and in the ready position.
-I'm dilated to a 2
-side note: I had some contractions Saturday night.
-I'm measuring big (39)
-The doctor thinks there's a good chance she'll come early.
Basically, when she's ready I'm ready because I'm just feeling so big and uncomfortable but then after today I kinda thought "Wait, no maybe I'm not ready!" It's a crazy feeling that it's all getting so soon! I'm so excited to see her, but I am SO scared for the actual birthing part. Then again, maybe I will make it all the way to my due date, but even that's not too far away!

Follow up: on Tuesday (8.3) We went to do a Non-Stress Test at the hospital. They did an ultrasound to measure how much amniotic fluid I have and it turns out I do have extra, like my doctor thought, which is why I was measuring so much bigger. We are still not really sure what the risks/problems are associated with having too much since we haven't met with my doctor yet again for her to explain it, and the lady doing the test couldn't really tell us much. But my doctor is aware and didn't seem like too much of an emergency for now. She also ordered an ultrasound that I will get on Friday to see how big my baby is right now. I will have these Non-Stress Tests weekly now. Also during the test they hooked me up to 2 monitors and looked at my baby's heart rate and my contractions. Her heart rate was prefect, she was moving around and doing great. We found out i was having contractions about every 2 minutes, but they called them "uterine irritability" where my uterus is being stretched and wants to contract, but it feels more like a cramp or my stomach getting hard to me rather than a true labor contraction. I have definitely been feeling these cramps but never thought of them as a type of contraction. She said if they do start feeling stronger and are consistent, to come into the hospital.
So that's the update as of right now! I'm feeling a little overwhelmed because I'm not sure where the doctor is going to want to go from here. I have had such an easy and seamless pregnancy up til now, I thought the next few weeks were my time to just chill and wait for her to get here but now things are getting a little complicated! I'm sure everything will turn out fine though and it's probably not even as big of a deal as I'm thinking it is.
So that's the update as of right now! I'm feeling a little overwhelmed because I'm not sure where the doctor is going to want to go from here. I have had such an easy and seamless pregnancy up til now, I thought the next few weeks were my time to just chill and wait for her to get here but now things are getting a little complicated! I'm sure everything will turn out fine though and it's probably not even as big of a deal as I'm thinking it is.
Brad & Kinzie
Saturday was Brad and Kinzie Hancock's wedding. We were able to attend their sealing and luncheon and reception and it was a wonderful day! Kinzie was a gorgeous bride and Brad was so sweet and happy. We are so happy for them to finally be married! They put so much work into the wedding and it paid off.. everything was beautiful.

Jeff - Brad - Paul



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