The last month of pregnancy is always the longest month of my life. Even if you are busy, and especially when you are and anxious and excited. One last pregnancy update:
Symptoms: Still no sleep for the weary. I toss and turn all night, and when I saw turn it means very slowly but often because I have that terrible groin pain that makes me cringe and my pelvic bones are cracking as I am switching sides. I've actually been like that for months now. And it takes me a few minutes to even get out of bed, stand up and prepare to walk before I feel aligned enough to do so. I CANT WAIT to sleep on my stomach again!
This baby is still incredibly heavy and over the past few weeks I can definitely tell I have dropped and baby is head down, which only increases the IMMENSE pressure!
Cravings: I've been trying to eat more healthy in hopes that I can ward off some extra weight and get in good habits for afterward. But I still can't really resist my watermelon sour patch kids and a good "Dirty Dr. Pepper" I also still eat my Life Cereal every morning.
Fitness: I've still been going to my gym once or twice a week and every single time I go it gets harder, but My satisfaction and pride level increases exponentially. Hope to see the hard work pay off afterward and it really does feel good afterward. My final weight gain has been:
during 37 weeks: feeling a TON of pressure as baby is getting head down and ready. Have had some mild contractions of lots of varieties: high up in my stomach, lower down, cramping with a shooting pain down my inner thigh, and one night I had about 4-5 over about 40 minute span of a SUPER tight lower contraction with a shooting pain in my right side. I haven't felt them that strong since I was in labor last time. Moments like that make me so torn between thinking "this might be it" and also trying not to get my hopes up (obviously that wasn't it... no contractions after that) Also started having acid reflux at night and started taking tylenol before bed to ease the pain of rolling over and cramping up at night.
during 38 weeks: I was dilated to a 2.5 at my doctor's appointment. I was really hoping for a 3 after all the contractions I had been having. Oh well. the doctor was trying to be optimistic and tell me I may not make it my last two weeks but I'm still pretty sure I will. Contractions on and off. Although only having two weeks left is sounding really good!
during 39 weeks: I've been having acid reflux at night which has made for some pretty horrible sleep. Not a ton of contractions this week but I was at a 3 at the doctor so I am still progressing! Doctor said the head is way down but cervix still needs work. Doctor also estimated the baby to be almost 8 pounds now! He didn't think it would get as big as Nolan did though (8.10 lbs) Also entered intense charlie horse cramps in my calves this week! I was able to get another prenatal massage which was amazing. My main complaint (really for the last few months) has been the intense groin pain. Everyone lately that has asked when I'm due has said that I am really small. At my appointment I measured 38.5 weeks, so only a tiny bit small. I feel big but not huge. I also haven't gotten as swollen which has been really nice.
Inklings: My final prediction is that it's a girl. I'll go down on the record with that. I just have felt the most inklings towards it being a girl over time. Paul will go down on record saying its a boy. Really I am just so excited to finally know! I can't believe the day has finally come. I cannot wait for that moment and I know whatever it is it will be perfect!
I basically have the greatest friends ever and I was blessed two have two celebrations for the baby!
On the 28th I had a "sprinkle" with some ward friends and neighbors at Heidi Lewis' house. I was obsessed with her little invitations she made using cute cupcake sprinkles. We did a lunch time thing and it was so fun to be able to mingle an sit and chat with so many ladies who came. I'm so blessed to be surrounded by such a great group of people, I just love where we live and how excited they all are for our family. the party was darling and the company was even better. So many well wishes and love felt.

On the 29th I had a girl's night with close friends at La Jolla Groves, put together by Christine. We had a fun night talking, eating and enjoying each other's company. We swapped childbirth stories and talked kids and made wagers about this baby. These girls are my support system and examples in mommyhood and I'm so thankful for them and their love for me and my kiddos.
Despite the last month seeming so long, this pregnancy has actually flown by. It seems even a little silly doing a final update because I know as soon as I have the baby my pregnancy will seem like a blink in the past and all I will care about is that my baby is here now... It's amazing how quickly we forget all the bad and just concentrate on the mazing new goodness in front of us.
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