-More outings to the Thanksgiving Point Farm and the splash pad. I'm really going to miss our weekly splash pad trips! I love soaking up the sun, drinking my soda and chatting with Christine. And I love the funny things the kids come up with to do! We also went to the Bean Museum at BYU. Some days we go to Chik-fil-a or McDonalds for a lunch date and play on the play things there. We also went and fed the ducks at Manila pond.

-Caitlin's first dance class was August 19th. She is dancing at a different studio this year in Highland. We needed someplace closer to home with a new baby and busier schedule. She's in a Combo 4-5 year old class and so far is loving it! I absolutely love watching her dance.
-We went to another Blue Bird concert with Chad and Amber Linebaugh. We ate dinner beforehand and as we were walking up to the show it started raining! Those drops turned into a complete downpour and it rained for the whole concert and never once let up. We grabbed ponchos and bundled up and stayed for the whole thing! It was an adventure but it was fun and the music was phenomenal.. too good to leave! We were able to meet the artists afterward and they were so nice and appreciative of everyone sticking around.
-Caitlin started fall soccer on August 26th. She has a fun little team this year that includes her cousin Cason and about 5 other friends all from our neighborhood/ward. She is looking good this year.. wanting more contact with the ball and even with other people (aka the stiff arm). Still lots of smiles and waves and high fives for the crowd too!
-Caitlin and I went to Eleanor Turnbull's 3rd birthday party... a "Swan Lake" ballerina party that was so adorable. All the girls had their little costumes to put on and they were adorable dancing together and having fun.
-We went to the Keith Urban concert with Hansens and Turnbulls on the 30th and had a blast. Nothing like a good country concert for some awesome people watching, dancing and singing. Keith was a great performer and watching the crowd was worth the price of admission. Everyone was also SO amazed by the face that Missy and I were pregnant together. Like two pregnant girls walking around together was just too much to handle, we got so many comments it was really funny. Such a great night!

-Labor Day weekend was our last weekend just the four of us! So crazy! It was so fun having Paul home on Monday. Hansens slept over and we had a big breakfast then went to 7 Peaks Water Park for a little bit. The kids liked he kiddie pool and adults took turns going on rides. That night we did a fire pit at Meads.
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