-(Nov. 1) We went to Cornbelly's one last time as a family with some friends. The weather this fall has been amazing!!
-Paul participated in "Movember" or "No shave November" or whatever you want to call it and grew a mustache. Luckily it only lasted half the month because he had to go to a board meeting and it wasn't looking up to snuff! But it was exciting for him for a few weeks. I was happy to see it go. In fact even Caitlin asked if he was going to "get the scratchies off his face" and Nolan would scrunch his nose and poke them.
-Miss Personality Plus keeps us on our toes and spreads pink princess cheer wherever she goes. (taken 11.10) Sometimes I just can't even handle what a little crack up she is. To cute for her own good!

-(Nov. 16) I got to spend a day with Whitney and Brox and Nan while they were in town for the weekend. We went to a cooking class at Orson Gygi, had lunch, did some shopping and hung out at my house with friends. I miss so much having the Taylors live here! It was a fun girls day to get caught up and see each other.
We also had some snow that morning, just a little dusting so we played in the backyard and rode the mountain board around.

-(Nov. 21) We completed a project in our kitchen that has been in the works for awhile! We had an L-shaped bench seat made to go in the corner and scooted everything back to allow for more seating and a bigger (new) table. It was exciting to see my design come to life and I'm really happy with how it turned out and we are enjoying using it. And looking forward to having it for Thanksgiving dinner. We also need a new light fixture now.
-We got a new family toy... a side-by-side RZR. Paul brought it home as quite the surprise but we've been loving it! We took it for a drive up the canyon and the kids (and Paul) had such a fun time. I can see lots of good times in this thing throughout the whole year.

-Paul got a promotion at work. He is now the VP of Operations over the entire Vivint Solar company. This is a huge achievement for him and one that he is excited to tackle. Paul really respects the people we works with and is excited to work more closely with an even broader range of employees. I have no doubt that he will do a wonderful job this new position will play directly into many of his amazing business skills and personal talents and strengths.
-We've been doing some fun things for Family Home Evening every Monday night. Sometimes we stay in and sometimes we go out and do things but we love being able to set aside the time as a family and try to think of something fun or a lesson to share with the kids. Nov 11th we met Dad at work for dinner together and these two were getting a kick out of waiting on the stumps in the lobby:
(Nov. 25) We had Sofia Night for Family Home evening. Caitlin is obsessed with "Sofia the First" on Disney so we ate "Wiggly Jiggly Pudding" and colored Sofia coloring pages and then watched the new Sofia movie on TV. We decided to give her a Christmas present early... an amulet just like Sofia's and i wish so much that i had her reaction on camera: "Oh! It's an amulet!! It's just like sofia's! This is just what I've wanted!! Oh Thank you Mommy, thank you daddy... you're too kind!" Complete with facial and hand expressions. It was priceless. She wore it for the rest of the night and kept making it light up to look at the "magic" inside.

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