Sunday Nov. 24th Tyler and Chelsea blessed Zoey. She looked so beautiful in the same dress we used for Caitlin. It was a really special night.
Wednesday night we tried to go see the temple square lights. On the website it had said they were on but when we got there we were told they didn't turn on til Friday! We got dinner at Blue Lemon then walked around City Creek. They had lights up and Macy's had their holiday windows up-- huge ornaments made out of candy!

We've been trying to teach the kids about being thankful and why we celebrate Thanksgiving. This was Caitlin's picture that she and I made, with her list of things she is thankful for:
Caitlin helped Grammie make pies! She was a good helper although this could have been a contributing factor as to why the sugar got left out of the pumpkin pie (oops!) But they made a cute team!
-In the morning some of us got up to do the "Earn Your Turkey Trot" We ran 4 miles and the weather was cold at first but then the sun came out and it was actually quite nice. We stayed as a group for parts and split up along the way. Zoey came in the stroller and slept and did great! I finished in under an hour and had a lot of fun. It was good to get out and run.
-During the day I helped my mom cook at home (and by "helped" I basically mean that my mom prepared this whole Thanksgiving feast pretty much single handedly... she's amazing) Paul and Jordan were brave enough to take the kids to a movie. They saw "Frozen" and had a fun time.
-Dinner was delicious, amazing and lovely. Can't beat a yummy Thanksgiving dinner with family you love. Everything was perfection.
-I made the boys get out the Christmas tree for me that night and we watched "Home Alone"

Thankful. Grateful. Blessed.... Feeling overwhelmed lately with how truly blessed we are. I try to take the time to realize it and really internalize it. And to look for moments that make me feel that way and pause to enjoy them. Life truly is so sweet.
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