Can't believe he is now closer to being 2 than 1, or than a baby! He is growing up way too fast and now that he is 18 months he is really starting to act older too.
-He recently got 4 more teeth which are (I think) his last for awhile. His mouth is pretty full and as always teething was hard for him.
-He is walking, climbing, and running everywhere. Nothing holds him back... not even a boot or a disciplining parent. It seems that he has healed completely from breaking his foot and even when it was broken he never let that slow him down. He is also such a wanderer. He will just walk around and roam and never even looks back. I have nightmares that I will lose him one day because he will simply wander off and find new toys and friends.
-He loves: his family- I can tell when he hasn't had enough male interaction because the moment Paul come in he is all over him and obsessed and wants to wrestle and tickle and be crazy. He loves loves loves his daddy! He also loves his big sissy. Caitlin is a very good big sister and they are buddies. They play together really well and he always wants to be where she is and usually she is the first person he wants to look for in the morning. He also loves his mommy. When it all comes down to it if he is sad or needing something he wants me. And I like it that way.

cars- he loves his "caa"s and makes them say "vroom vroom" everywhere. Sometimes he really gets in the zone and he will drive them around and off of things for a long time. He also has a few trucks that he likes to load up and gives everyone drivers.
horses- he LOVES horsies. He will say "hoyse" whenever he sees one and gets really excited and always looks for them in his books.
music and dancing- he'll get up and hold his own beside his dancing queen sister and he's got his own moves to prove it. He loves music and singing but so far the only song he will sometimes sing along to is "Once there was a snowman" and he raises his arms and says "tall tall tall"
babies- he is obsessed with babies. He loves his little cousin Zoey and is usually very gentle and sweet with them. The other day at the doctor's office I was looking down filling out paperwork and he had gone right over to a baby in her little carseat and had ducked his head in and was saying "hi baby!" Whenever he is around other kids his size or smaller he just walks right up to them and says "hi" and then gets really close and you can tell he wants to touch them or do something but he is not sure what to do so he just puts his face really close to them and has his hands to his side and opens and closes his fists and waits for me to tell him what to do. Usually at this point the other child either runs away or says hi back and if they are open to it Nolan wants to give them a hug. He loves making friends.
looking at books -You have to catch him in the right mood in order for this to last for a long time but he does really like looking at books at being read to. And I will often find him looking at a book himself and pointing to and talking about all the animals or whatever he sees.

hats- I've mentioned this before but he loves hats. This is his form of dress up and he wants to try on hats all the time. He will wear them for awhile too. And he has certain ones that he likes more than others but he loves putting things on his head.

-At 15 months he was behind for the communication portion of his age survey at the doctor. At 18 months he is not behind at all. He says a lot of things and although we don't always understand him right away he is way more determined to communicate and be understood. He only talks when he wants to though. He doesn't usually just repeat things when we tell him to. He does understand a lot and I think he store things for when he wants to use them. He is also amazing at ignoring. We will say something that we know he can hear and understand and he can completely ignore us. Watch out for when he is a teenager!
-He knows a lot of animal noises, and lots of animals, a few body parts, mama, daddy, "tayten" (Caitlin), and "papa" which he seems to use for most grandparents. He also says "baby" and "beeee" for Zoey. He also knows how to fold his arms and say "amen" for prayers. He knows lots of other words too like book, please, thank you, drink, treat, all done, Santa, "ho ho ho", hi, bye bye, nigh nigh, baba, and probably lots of others I'm forgetting.
-He will throw fits. He is kick and scream and writhe around and he is so big and strong it's hard to contain! He doesn't do it too often but it usually comes on if you take away something he wants or take him out of somewhere he wants to be. This age is hard because there is a need for discipline but still a bit of a communication gap.
-He is a morning person. I think he would be an early rise if I let him be but I've pushed back for this long so now he usually will sleep in until 8 AM
-If I got a dollar anytime someone commented on his eyes or cheeks his college tuition would already be paid for. But of course I agree that he does have the most beautiful eyes and the cutest cheeks.
-His hair is getting long again and he totally has a mullett. I keep thinking it will become a cute shag but it isn' growing evenly at all. Just waiting to get anther haircut from Aunt Christine!
-He likes to act like he's sneaking up on people and then say "boo!" or "raar!" and sometimes you even get a "tic tic tic" tickle.
-His 18 month old stats from the doctor: He is plateauing as far as weight but still getting taller!
Nolan's stats from his 18 month check up. He's looking great!
Weight: 28 lbs (90%)
Head: 18.75" (57%)
Nolan had his first time in nursery on the 1st and did great! No surprise there, he is very independent and just went right in and started playing without hesitation.
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