-Caitlin continues to say the funniest things, and I really have no idea where she gets most of it. This month she has said and used correctly: otherwise, or else, perhaps, super, I suppose, and interesting.
Others phrases that she likes to use but often uses incorrectly: "I'm in a sticky situation", "I'm very disappointed", and "That's very impressive!"
Others phrases that she likes to use but often uses incorrectly: "I'm in a sticky situation", "I'm very disappointed", and "That's very impressive!"
-Nolan continues his daily shenanigans (it's really no wonder he barely made it past being one without an accident). He is completely fearless.
-The other day I was vacuuming with the big central vac when all of a sudden Nolan walks out pushing the Dyson! He wanted in on the vacuuming in a big way. We keep in a a little closet thing that has a drop down to get it out in a corner of the laundry room so I was actually very shocked and impressed he was able to get it out on his own!

-One night when Paul was out of town Cassie and I got together to make some Christmas decorations. We told her we were going to do some CRAFTS. She was talking to Paul and said "Yah Cassie is coming over and her and Mommy are gonna do some CRAPS" haha I was cracking up.

-One night when Paul was out of town Cassie and I got together to make some Christmas decorations. We told her we were going to do some CRAFTS. She was talking to Paul and said "Yah Cassie is coming over and her and Mommy are gonna do some CRAPS" haha I was cracking up.
-Caitlin likes to do "performances" for us. She either dances or sings, and usually it becomes a combination of the two. She asked if she could sing us one of her very own songs. She proceeded to sing this song "When I was born (sweetly) ... I SHOOK MY BUM! (shouting)" then carried on the bum shaking and singing other lyrics like "When i was a little girl I lived in my castle..." and "These are my treasures" (taking about a little bucket of random toys she was carrying) Like I said.. I don't know where she gets this stuff.
-The other day in the store the clerk askedCaitlin:
"How old are you?"
C: I'm three
"And how old is your brother?"
-The other day in the store the clerk askedCaitlin:
"How old are you?"
C: I'm three
"And how old is your brother?"
C: Seven cents
-Nolan loves minnie I think more than Mickey. He totally has a crush.
-Nolan is obsessed with socks. Either putting them on or taking them off, whichever is available at the moment. Lately he has wanted socks over his pajamas.
-Nolan loves minnie I think more than Mickey. He totally has a crush.
-Nolan is obsessed with socks. Either putting them on or taking them off, whichever is available at the moment. Lately he has wanted socks over his pajamas.

-Nolan is also obsessed with hats. He loves wearing them and often walks into our closet and demands for us get down Paul's hats for him. And he has specific ones he likes. And he lets you know if the option you're giving him is not the one he wants.
-Nolan often wants to go see the "vroom vroom" when he's in the garage. He runs over and climbs inside and pretends to drive until I get freezing and drag him inside kicking and screaming.
-I've had to tape the garbage shut a few times this month because Nolan will open it and find food in there and eat it, so gross.
-Potentially embarrassing moment: The girl at the drive-thru had those big gauge earrings and a nose ring and Caitlin giggles and says "look at her silly earring!" She didn't hear.
-And sometimes you just gotta cuddle up and watch a show. And doing that with Daddy is pretty much the best ever. (Notice how Caitlin totally matches any emotion shown on the TV)
-I would say Nolan is all boy. But he also wants to do whatever his sister does. So this creates some interesting dichotomy in his life. For example: Naked, pushing a lawnmower while wearing Cinderella high heels. And he couldn't have been happier about it.
-I would say Nolan is all boy. But he also wants to do whatever his sister does. So this creates some interesting dichotomy in his life. For example: Naked, pushing a lawnmower while wearing Cinderella high heels. And he couldn't have been happier about it.
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