-i've gotten my first pregnancy comments from strangers! That's really exciting to me! I'm proud of my ever-growing belly and that my little girl is sparking some conversation for herself.
-in the past two weeks, i have gone from having 5-6 pairs of jeans i could still button up to 2-3 (depending on the time of day).
-i am always so stiff and sore all over my body. When i wake up i feel like i can't move. Sometimes my legs and feet get really swollen and i get leg cramps like every night, in the middle of the night. It will probably just get worse but it's really not the most comfortable situation. It is also uncomfortable because i really can't sleep at all. I would love a good night's rest sometime soon... yet another thing that will probably just get worse.
-I have an outtie belly button! actually, it's just flush with the surface right now, not quite an outtie but i really never thought that day would come.
-on Monday we went to the doctor and everything looks good! She measured me and said i'm actually measuring a little big which i was shocked at and to be honest i think she was a little surprised too because she measured me like 3 times but she said it's because i'm small so my belly has nowhere to go. She said it wasn't enough to change my due date or anything.
Here's the pic:

And last but certainly not least, speaking of pregnancies i wanted to give a special CONGRATULATIONS to both of my sisters-in-law that are pregnant also!! Melissa is due end of October and Christine is due end of November. I am SO excited for them to start their families and especially excited that our kiddos will be so close in age!! How exciting to get the first 3 Dickson grandkids in 3 months! We couldn't have timed it more perfectly if we tried! I'm so excited for them (and their hubbies of course).

The culprits (yes i stole this pic from melissa's fb)
Thanks for the shout out! Ill keep looking for the picture (even though I got a pretty good sneak preview earlier!)
ReplyDeleteUgh. Leg cramps are the worst. Luckily I didn't get them until the last couple of months of my pregnancy. I did find that if I ate a banana every day (and walked and stretched a lot) that I didn't get them anymore. It was like clockwork--on the days I didn't eat a banana . . . leg cramps. On the days I did eat a banana I was fine. If you don't mind bananas it might be worth a try :-) I am so happy for you guys. Having a baby is so much fun!