Friday night, Paul and I and four other couples (and two kids) got to go up to the Barnes' family cabin! It was so nice to get away and be with friends. We grilled for dinner, then talked, played games, ate desert and laughed and had a great time. The next morning we had a huge breakfast then cleaned up and hung out a little more then had to come back down to our normal lives. It was so fun to have someplace to go to be together and have a fun little sleepover. Thanks Clay and Tiff for having us!
The boys gearing up for their game of basketball/horse/around the world/whatever you can do to get it in the hoop

little London grinning as usual

Tyler and Tate

Londy baby! i really love this little cutie pie.

The little babies just decided to be night owls and stay up late with all of us. They were so tired though but it was so cute how they just wanted to be part of the party.

Shannel and Tatertot... so exhausted but fighting it!

Paul had the magic touch to get Tate to sleep for awhile.. he said he's ready for his superdad job that's coming up.

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