We had a really fun weekend celebrating Paul's birthday.
We kicked of the weekend with cirque de soleil (which is still a highlight of our lives if you ask us) then we saw the movie Robin Hood with friends. Then on Saturday we played tennis while it was sunny (timed it perfectly) and then we ran some errands and got a few things and then went to Outback for a late lunch with friends. (Can't believe I didn't take any pictures! so sad). Then Saturday night we went and registered at Babies R Us and picked out a bunch of cute stuff for our little girl! It was really fun, plus Paul loves using the little scanner. It took us back to our wedding registry days. Then that night we watched a movie at home.
Sunday we relaxed, hung out with friends, played jenga (i'm still undefeated), had enchiladas for dinner. Paul opened his presents and got this little beauty:

Here's a little snippet for your viewing pleasure (the camera quality is actually awesome in HD but i just uploaded in really low-res so it looks kinda pixelated):

I can't believe he's 25! I feel like that's such a milestone! Words really can't explain how much i'm in love with my husband. I honestly think he is just the greatest person in the world. I am so so grateful for him and I can't imagine my life any other way.
This is a funny movie. our little neighbor Brayden is almost 4 and he LOVES Paul, this was his little performance for him:
cute little boy! I'm guessing Morgan was filming...his voice is very overpowering in the birthday song. you're looking so pregnant Cort! woohoo!