Eats: Five bottles a day, 7 ounces each. I put rice cereal in his dinner time bottle. We started baby food this month but he was not interested. He would do anything to not have the spoon in his mouth. We took a break for a couple weeks then came back to it and I realized it's not that he doesn't like the food, he just hates eating from a spoon. He jerks and yells and clenches his jaw but never spits out the food. He will swallow and then want more, but not want to open his mouth to eat it... we're working on it and experimenting. He also doesn't hold his own bottle completely by himself, although I'm sure he could. He prefers to have it propped up and drink by himself rather than being fed a bottle.. he gets squirmy.

Plays: He rolls all over and also is sitting for short periods of time. He likes to play with toys and put things in his mouth and he likes Nolan's cars. He is very social and loves to be around people. He doesn't like to play alone, he rather have no toys and just be where people are. He loves to sit on the counter in his bumbo while I am cooking or be in the saucer/bouncer seat while the kids are at the kitchen table or in the family room.

Also: He is very smiley and will smile at pretty much anyone with minimal coaxing. I think he's the smiliest baby I've had. He giggles sometimes and Caitlin is the best at making him giggle. He LOVES Caitlin. He has also been giggling for Nolan and it's cute to see them becoming buddies. Nolan shows him cars and talks to him. I've thought a few times he must be teething but nothing to show for it! Also he got a tiny ear infection this month, after a few days and tylenol it went away.

Firsts: Valentine's Day, first trip to Moab

Stats from his 6 month checkup: He is gaining weight like he should and getting chunky and I couldn't be happier about it. He's filling out very nicely!
Weight 15.85 lbs 19% // Length 26.5" 45% // Head 17.5 82%
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