
 -3: got a little more snow and finally made a snowman!

-3-10: My parents were here, they came for a visit and to see Cassie perform with the Young Ambassadors at BYU. We loved having them here and spending time with them. My dad, Paul and I got to run our 10k that we missed while in Texas and it was fun to run together and put some miles behind us! 
-4: Grandpa Goulding's 80th Bday. He also had his knee replaced the day before and spent about 3 weeks at a recovery center. We got to go visit him a few times there and he was happy to see us. I love how my grandpa (and grandma) love my kids and see their unique qualities and individual personalities. The kids love my grandparents and I love what a special thing it is for them to have a relationship with their great grandparents. 
-7: We got to go see Cassie's show at BYU and she did a great job, the whole group is incredibly talented and the show was fun to watch.

-14: We got to go see the new "Cinderella" live action movie as a family and I absolutely loved it. The movie was beautiful to watch and I loved the repeating motto of "have courage and be kind"
-17: We hosted a little St Pattys Day play date 🍀 at our house and had about 15 kids and their moms come. Everyone brought green food and the kids played outside in the perfect weather. We did a treasure hunt and made froot loop necklaces. It was a lot of fun. 
-20: Mike and Jenna and their family came for a visit and we got to have a fun date night with Mike and Jenna and the Meads. We also got to meet baby Audrey for the first time! So precious!
-Caitlin and Nolan started gymnastics this month and are loving it. Nolan did even better than I expected and after the first class the teacher said I should move him up to the next level because he was so good at listening, following directions, and very coordinated and works hard. Go Nolan! That was definitely good to hear, so I moved him up and he also has a couple friends in his class and just loves it. There is also a smaller play gym with a foam pit and rock wall that he can play in while Caitlin does her lesson and he likes that as much as class time! Caitlin went into a 4-5 year old class so she was on the younger side (which isn't common for her) and she struggled the first couple times with feeling like she wasn't doing everything perfectly but she has really been practicing a lot at home and showing a lot of improvement. I'm proud of her for seeing a challenge and going after it.

-23: I took Caitlin to the dentist for her first ever full cleaning and... she had 5 cavities. Ouch. She did great through the appointment and was very happy and bubbly and let them clean and do xrays and everything. Then they said they had an opening to do the filling right away so we did. They were hoping to get through a couple fillings but didn't know if they'd be able to do all of them because most kids don't last that long. Caitlin was a dentist superstar and got laughing gas and no novocaine and let them fill all of them. She was SO good and brave I was very proud of her. And we learned our lesson that we need to floss more often!! Her teeth are very close together and the cavities had started in the middle and spread to both teeth. We went to Walmart after and I told Caitlin she could choose anything in the store for a prize for being so good at the dentist and after some deliberation she chose glitter glue to use for her crafts, I thought that was so sweet.
-24: Caitlin and Nolan also started swim lessons, in preparation for our Mexico trip coming up in April. We tried a new place this year and the teachers are a little more strict and down to business and it's been an adjustment for the kids, but they are already showing some real improvement. 
-27-29: Paul and I had a fun getaway with the Hansens down to St. George and Zions. We went to celebrate Nick's birthday and had a lot of fun. Friday we went to dinner then drove down and got dessert and watched a movie. Saturday we slept in then went to Zion's and did the "Observation Point" hike. It was 8 miles round trip and got long but we completed it and the view at the top was beautiful. The weather was perfect for being outside!! It was delightful. We went rock shopping around town then that night we got dinner and hung out at the house (we stayed at Nick's grandparents house). We got back Sunday morning before church. It was a great weekend!
-29: We had a fun park/game night/dance party with the Linebaughs. Their boys are SO fun with our kids and we love their family. Our kids love all the attention they get and they feel like they are kinda with the big kids. 
-other things we've been busy with: hanging out with friends, working out, having fun family time.

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