
Caitlin: 4 1/2 years old

Caitlin continues to be the princess of the family. She is so much fun and such a genuinely good girl. Four so far has been the year of the attitude and she is learning to push her boundaries a little and trying out new phrases that she hears from other people or TV shows and has strong opinions about what she chooses to feel strongly about. However she also has a very strong inert desire to please people and be a good girl and for that I am grateful. She rarely needs to be disciplined. she is very good at listening and following directions and she wants to do things just right and wants to be the best at everything she does. We have to remind her that it's ok if she's not always THE best, but more important to try to do HER best. She can be sensitive about things.

She has such an excitement for life and finds pleasure in the most simple things. She loves being with her family, she LOVES her daddy and loves going on dates. She loves play dates and any kind of party. She loves any kind of surprise. She loves her brothers and she is the best helper. She is always willing to help with things for the baby or things for Nolan or wants to help in the kitchen or with cleaning. She is very smart and knows how to identify and write pretty much all the letters of the alphabet. She sings every song in primary and asks very good questions. It's so interesting to see how her little mind works and puts things together and she continues to be very curious about the world and people around her. she talks almost non stop. She loves playing games and "doing crafts". She is creative. She loves princesses, dancing, my little ponies and dressing up. she loves having long hair and doing it in a side ponytail, or even better: an "Elsa braid".

She is also kind. She is a peacemaker and tries to look out for people. She is very loyal. She can be shy at first but once she is comfortable... you'll know. She is a confident little girl and she knows she can do lots of things and that her parents are very proud of her. My biggest challenge with her has been deciding about school. She will always be one of the oldest in her grade. I feel like she is very socially mature and sometimes the age gap in comparison to her peers seems huge.

I watch her getting older and learning and maturing and being exposed to new things and I can't believe how fast it all happens. Caitlin is the exact little girl that we needed to have first and she amazes me on a daily basis. She is so sweet and good and such a beautiful little being.  

I grabbed Caitlin real quick during her quiet time and asked if I could take some pictures of her. She said yes and asked if she could do some poses. This is Caitlin to a T... random outfit (probably about her 5th for the day and of course a skirt) with her home made necklace and freshly applied chap stick. And she was full of poses. Love this girl.

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