-The other day Caitlin had a friend over playing. A little boy. They were sitting on the couch and had this conversation:
Caitlin: "you're cute"
boy: "i know"
Caitlin: "you're just cute!"
boy: "yah i know"
-long pause-
Caitlin: "...just like me"
I thought it was so funny that she told him he was cute! And then thought it was funny that she needed to repay herself the compliment.
-Nolan is talking quite a bit more although most of his words all sound the same. Sometimes I will tell him to say something and it won't sound at all like what I've just said. But he is certain he just repeated it. He rarely puts two or more words together, although I'm sure he could. The only time I have ever heard him do this is when he was sitting on my lap watching a show and he turned to look at me and said "hi mommy" it was so sweet.
-Caitlin is a big girl in primary now and loves going to Sunbeams. I'm told that she is a super singer, no matter what song. Her teacher told me that one time in class she had a couple kids wanting to sit by her but since they all couldn't one was a seat over. They were sad about it so Caitlin reached over and patted them and said "It's ok, I'm right here!" Another lady told me how they were playing a bowling game to pick songs and Caitlin's name was picked so she went up to take her turn and they gave her the "bowling" ball and she immediately set it down and gave it a big kick to knock down all the pins! I guess that soccer rubbed off on her.
-When I went in to get Nolan the other morning I found him in his crib with no pants and no diaper, happy as can be! Luckily that was all I found in the crib!
-Nolan has climbed out of his crib three times. I put him down for a nap one time and he climbed out and came back out. I put him back in a few times and told him to stay. Miraculously he did and he hasn't climbed out since, even though he is obviously well aware. I feel like I'm living on borrowed time as far as that one goes.
-Everyday in Caitlin's prayers she asks that Madison and London can come play. She also blesses that Bella will feel better. Without fail every time.
-Caitlin clogged the toilet the other day and it started overflowing into the hallway! It was quite the adventure and the kids thought it was so funny to have towels all over the floor. I thought it was pretty gross.

-Nolan is really hard for me right now. He is getting old enough that he needs to be disciplined but he just plain doesn't care and does not listen. He is so independent and when i tell him to do something or not do something he will either just ignore me or look at me then keep doing exactly what it is. Caitlin is so in tune with emotions and would not want to do something to make me mad or sad but Nolan could care less. He is also so strong and big that any sort of physical barrier is impossible. I've tried hand slapping and some spanking and he doesn't care. I tried time out and he laughs. Lately I have been getting right in his face and saying no and making him listen and that is working somewhat as far as not doing things but he still just does his own thing most the time. He won't stay by me or even hold my hand in the street. He also gets super whiny and yells when he wants something which is not good. And not like him because usually he is so happy. He is just really challenging in that regard right now and I'm hoping time and some maturity and patience and consistence on my part will help.
-Paul and I are trying to do more one on one time and dates with the kids. This month I went with Caitlin a cute "Frozen" birthday party for her friend Bella. They had crowns and ate lots of treats and played an Olaf game and got to watch Frozen with popcorn at the end.

-Paul took Nolan skiing with him while the girls were at the party. He put him in the backpack and the two of them had a great time!
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