Also on Friday I finished reading the Book of Mormon as part of our challenge we gave to the Young Women in our ward: read the Book of Mormon cover to cover in 2 months (Nov 10-Jan 10) I held myself accountable to the challenge and I finished. The goal was to read the Book of Mormon like you would a good book. I really enjoyed reading it at a fast paces, even though it was a lot of reading at times but i found little moments throughout the day and being able to read it on my phone was key! I was proud of myself for getting it done. My favorite scripture this time around was in 3rd Nephi 5:13. I have a testimony of the Book of Mormon and I know that it is a true book written by real people who were inspired and guided and so much can be gleaned from its pages.
Saturday we spent time as a family during the day and then Paul and I had a date night to Cheesecake Factory. We decided to order a bunch of appetizers for our meal. And then cheesecake of course.
Sunday we went to church at our new time: 9AM. It's actually not a bad church time, just hard to get out the door on time. Caitlin had her second Sunday in Sunbeams and was totally fine with it. The first week she was a little nervous and frowny but after she decided she loved it and this time she was ready to go and excited. She comes home singing all kids of new primary songs and it's the sweetest. Nolan does great in nursery even without his big sis looking out for him.
Monday night we did a "Movie Night" for Family home evening and popped popcorn and watched "Monsters University" and it was so much fun. The kids loved watching the air popper and they made it through the whole movie sitting on the couch with their blankies eating popcorn by the double fistful.

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