Friday night we went to dinner at Trio and then went up to the Hansen's family cabin with them and the Turnbulls. We stayed there that night and stayed up way to late playing fun games, having a dance party, telling stories and watching a movie. the next morning we slept in, ate breakfast and packed up and stopped at Chipotle on the way home. This group is so fun and a little crazy together and it made for lots of laughs. Paul and I felt totally re-energized (in an I-stayed-up-too-late kind of way) and grateful for our friendships. We were also grateful to Rebekah and Jordan a.k.a the best babysitters ever. In the parking lot of Chipotle we realized we never took any pictures so here's our last minute proof:
Saturday we hung out with the kiddos then went to a late showing of Captain Phillips which was INTENSE but good.
Sunday we had a lesson recapping things that we learned in general conference and I thought I would share a few of my favorite quotes:

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