The following two days were general conference. We enjoyed the time at home as a family and listened to the messages as much as we could. We came up with a little game for Caitlin to do while listening: we hung up primary pictures of key words and whenever she heard one of her "special words" she got a coin and during the songs she could use her coins to buy treats. She really liked it and did a great job for the most part. We played with daddy's newest toy: a motorized mountain board. We also got to take a family drive up the Alpine Loop and admired the beautiful scenery and fall colors before they will soon be covered in snow. Both kids fell asleep in their car seats and we parked at the top of the mountain and listened to the apostles speak on the radio and I felt like I had a little bit of heaven on earth. We also went to Chelsea and Tyler's for dinner and ate delicious smoked brisket.

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