-I was one of the coaches with another mom on the team. Yes, I coached. And no, I have never played soccer in my life other than a few recesses in elementary school when i tried my hardest to stay away from any contact with the ball. I actually was volunteering Paul to be a coach and there was some miscommunication and i somehow got roped into doing it. Luckily there is about zero skill involved at this age and "coaching" tot soccer is really more akin to herding cats. I probably wouldn't want to do it again but I actually did have a fun time being involved and getting to know the kids and teaching Caitlin about soccer.
-She was on a team of 8, although by the end of the season we were down to 6 regulars. The kids chose their team name and we were the "Green Frogs"
-The kids played for two 16 minute halves, with a 5 minute halftime in the middle. We tried to rotate them out about every 4 minutes to give everyone a turn but that would last for about 2 rotations and then it was just whoever wanted to play and wasn't crying or feeling tired at the moment could come in.
-We had 4 boys and 4 girls on our team and I feel like ours was one of the youngest teams. Caitlin turned 3 the day of her first game and the teams were for 3-4 years olds but a lot of the other teams we played had total ringers on their team that I'm pretty sure were on the verge of 5 possibly 6. Just saying.
-They don't keep score in tot soccer and let's just say that's probably a good thing for us. Unless they would have counted goals scored in the wrong goal then we may have had a chance. We had a few kids that picked up pretty well and may have a little future in soccer and they totally carried the team. One little girl showed up in her jean mini skirt every game and totally rocked the field. Most of the kids favorite part was the snacks afterward.
-We held practice once a week and played games and did little scrimmages. They liked all the games and getting to have their own ball to themselves the whole time. Other coaches came to the game with plays and terms like "defense" and "attack" and "corner kick" and we were on our side like "Ok do you guys remember which goal we are kicking into?" No one needs to "attack"! It's tot soccer!
-Caitlin thought if she ran really hard than she was playing soccer really hard. She would run her little heart out all around the field whether it was close to the ball or not. She would wave and say "hi" anytime she was by the sideline or (my personal favorite) stop wherever she was and get our attention and give us a big thumbs up. She liked kicking off to the opposing team from the middle after goals were scored, but seldom kicked the ball other than that. A few times the ball would come around her and she would be quick to get out of its way, but kept her fast running pace just the same.
-Soccer may not be her sport but it sure was fun to try. She loved going to practice and having her pink soccer ball and going to her games and seeing her friends on the team. And that's really what it' all about. Try your best and have fun!

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