This month has been fun and busy, pretty much the story of our lives. Here are a couple other things that have happened that needed a mention:
Paul and I got to go on a couple golfing dates which have been fun. I'm still horrible at gold but once in awhile I hit a decent one. We usually play "best ball" to speed it up a little. It is something new and different though.

My friend Stephanie hosted an adorable Fairy Party. It was in a garden and there were fairy houses tucked everywhere along with Tinkerbell story time and a craft and face painting and a photo booth. t was adorable. Although Caitlin wanted to see the actual fairies and wondered why they weren't in their houses. All of the houses were very intricate and had little tiny furniture and things inside. If we were really quiet and decorated their houses so cute for them then they would come live there!

Other things going on:
Mowing the lawn with daddy

snow cones
family dance parties

sprinkler pad at the Riverwoods

Cassie and Matt got engaged! (Technically June 1st but it's been in the works) Matt went down to Texas and spent some time there. He recreated their first date and set up a candlelit cereal dinner in a park. Then they had written 10 conversation questions. He had kept those same questions and added "Will you marry me?" Into the mix. Her ring is beautiful! They will be married in Utah on September 14th. Wedding season and planning is definitely in full swing!
(Also technically June 1st but...) I got to go on a very fun girls night to the Taylor Swift concert! My friend Stephanie asked me months ago if I woud want to go to the concert and I said YES. Four of us went, me and Stephanie and two of her friends that I met for the first time that night but both were so nice and fun and we got along instantly. Plus with yummy food and the tunes of T Swift who isn't going to have a good time!? We ate in Salt Lake at Bambara beforehand and then went to Energy Solutions for the concert. Our tickets were way up in the nosebleeds but not too high to enjoy the show and to recognize that Taylor Swift is in fact very skinny and tall. And very cute and just exactly how you would think she would be. I loved it.We danced and sang and ate candy and admittedly felt like tweens, or at least "like we were 22" It was a good night.
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