
joys of motherhood: May

-While at the store waiting to pay, a lady came up behind us. Nolan was sitting in the stroller and Caitlin was playing with the things by the register. The lady asked "So, are they twins? Or is he... just really... big?" No, he's just really big, they are 21 months apart.
-I was trying to feed the kids dinner quickly one night so we could go somewhere and it was taking forever. Caitlin was not cooperating and I was getting frustrated. I got up from the table to go do something in the kitchen and she followed me and said:
C: "mom, you happy?"
me: "ya im fine."
C: "mom, you happy??"
me: "yes Caitlin I'm fine."
C: "ok... show me your happy face!"
I started laughing at this and smiling
C: "Oh! That's a really good happy face!"
She is so aware of people's emotions and always wants people to be happy. She doesn't realize that sometimes it's things that she's doing that are making me upset, she just wants to ask me if I'm happy and let me simply get happy. She's a good reminder that happiness is a decision and we don't need to let things get to us.
-At the day care center where I work out there are a few girls who work there and have gotten to know my kids and they have all commented on how Nolan is getting around. "He's just everywhere! And so fast!" Yes. He is. Don't be fooled by his size.. he's a sneaky little man.
-I was sitting with Caitlin at the kitchen table and there was thunder outside. She looked up in surprise and said, "Oh! That wasn't me!"
-Caitlin's dance teacher told me after one of her classes that she is always so polite at dance class and says please and thank you. Proud mom moment. 
-Speaking of, we are really trying to teach Caitlin (and Nolan) gratitude. To recognize when something is a privilege and say thank you for it. She actually does pretty well and it's so cute to hear her say things like "Thanks for taking me to the store mommy" or "thanks for my treat mom"
-So, we've been working on the whole potty training thing and that is a whole 'nother post in and of itself but I got a coupon for free panties at Victoria's secret so i went in to get some and of course had the kids with me so I made a big deal to Caitlin that i was buying panties and I get to wear them because I'm a big girl. She thought that was great and now whenever we pass any sort or lingerie area in any store OR any swimsuit bottoms, she makes sure to point out "Look! those are mommy's panties! Mom are you getting panties today?" thank you.
-The other day we were in the store waiting in line behind a girl with big tattoos on her back. She had her hair up so Caitlin noticed them and said,
C: "Mom, she has stamps on her back!"
me: "ya she does, she has two stars"
C: "why does she have that?"
me "I don't know I guess she likes them"
C: "oh, ok."
I have this fear that we are getting into the age of your kids saying embarrassing things about strangers while they we within earshot.

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