
Nolan: 2 months

On August 6th, Nolan turned 2 months old! I feel like he is growing up so fast! We all love him to pieces and he fits in perfectly to our family. He is still such a dream baby, I feel so lucky. He is still so patient and sweet and he is kind of a mama's boy. He still does fine going to other people but he always is SO good for me. We are all obsessed and loving having him as a part of our family.
-6 times a day, 5 ounces each time. He is completely bottle-fed now for a few reasons but mainly because he was getting really bad tummy aches and discomfort with my milk. Not sure exactly what was the cause, and it was a really hard decision for me to decide whether or not to continue breast feeding but ever since switching him to sensitive formula he has improved immensely. Hardly any tummy aches and very little spitting up.  We also usually add gripe water to his bottles.
-Whenever he drinks his bottle he always holds his hands like this:

-He's definitely a chunky one which I LOVE. He is wearing mostly all 3 month size clothes. He has some clothes that he wore only once: his first and last time because they were too small. case in point: We put him in this little church shirt for the first time on Sunday and he was showing belly the whole time:
-He is still a great sleeper. I actually love the schedule we are on right now so hopefully it will stay like this (unless of course he wants to start sleeping through the night.. I would take that!) We feed him and put him to bed around 9 pm and then he will sleep until anywhere between 3-5am when he eats again and then he sleeps til early morning between 7-8 and eats again and then he will go back to sleep until around 11 for a morning nap. This is nice because then I can get Caitlin up and going and start the day with her and then she gets so excited to go get Nolan up in the morning. He stays up for awhile and then goes back down for a log afternoon nap at the same time as Caitlin. Then we keep him up for the evening before he goes to bed.
-I'm doing pretty well with not being too tired after getting up during the night but I usually have like one day a week that it catches up to me and I get super tired. Nolan is very good at night though.. He usually goes right back to sleep after he eats and sometimes he will even lay in his crib and fall asleep on his own.
-He snores loud when he sleeps.

-He always sleeps in his crib now, for naps and bedtime.
-He doesn't care if he is swaddled or not, in fact he likes having his arms up but he sleeps better if they are swaddled in so we usually swaddle him with his legs out (because he kicks them out anyways) and arms down inside. It looks funny but it's effective.

-He can push off with his feet really hard. He is also good at holding his head up and doing a "superman" position when laying on his tummy.
-Doesn't mind tummy time for a little while then he gets sick of it.
-Still really likes to arch and also sit up on your lap.

-His bath. I usually put him in the tub with Caitlin in his seat and he is so relaxed and so good. He totally calms down once he's in there and just enjoys it.
-Smiling. He started giving really good smiles around 5 weeks and he has the cutest little grin. He smiles all the time, and sometimes we'll just look at him and he's grinning for no apparent reason. He's a happy boy.
-Burping still but he has definitely improved.
-(well.. I dislike) baby acne. It's seriously one of the the saddest things when babies get it and we've been battling it the whole last month. Thankfully it's almost gone now. Nothing like stupid red bumps to ruin my handsome baby's perfect chubby cheeks.
-His car seat. I've heard it could link back to his tummy problems and not liking the angle it put him at but he cries whenever he is in it. He's getting a lot better but still not a fan. 

-Had some big firsts this month: his first plane ride (he did amazing), his first time away from mom and dad (came way to soon but he did great nonetheless), his first time to meet Grandpa Dickson, Aunt Rebekah, and the Mead family (he now has met all his immediate family).
-Also wanted to note that his hair seems to be getting a little lighter but his eyes are still blue and getting more blue everyday so I'm crossing my fingers they stay this color!
-Stats (taken on 8.14) weight: 13.84 lbs. (79%) length: 23.8 inches (76%) head circumference: 15.75 inches (71%)

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