

Caitlin and Nolan are little buddies. Caitlin is still completely obsessed with him. And he actually adores his sissy. Even if he is being a little fussy he will usually calm down whenever she talks to him or holds him or lays next to him. It's really cute how they already share a special connection. She is almost always super sweet with him and when she talks to him she gets this really high voice and says "hiiiiii" and then squeals as she tickles him or touches him. She almost always just calls him "baby" but will sometimes call him "nonan".
 They love their baths together. We wash Caitlin first and let her play then wen she's about done she scoots to the back and we put Nolan in his seat and wash him. She likes to help wash his hair.
 Caitlin is obsessed with Nolan's binky. She sometimes puts it in her mouth but mostly she just likes taking it out of his and sometimes putting it back in. Poor Nolan.. so annoying. He's usually really patient about it.
Caitlin likes for Nolan to go "nigh nigh" with her. So a lot of times I'll lay him next to her when I'm putting her down for a nap or bedtime to read stories and sing songs together.. but then he has to go to his own bed. But she always takes our her binky and says "tisses" before he leaves so she can kiss him goodnight before he goes.

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