Memorial day. We were all signed up and ready to run the "Run to Remember" 10k in American Fork... my first official 10k and first official race to check off my goal list. But alas, when we woke up at 7 AM it was 33 degrees and there were patches of snow on our rooftop and in our back yard and on-and-off rain. Call me a softie, but i'm not haulin' my buns across any finish line in that kind of weather. I would be miserable. We were actually really disappointed that we didn't get to do it but going back to sleep for a couple hours made it a little better. The weather luckily got better throughout the day but Paul and I both agreed we just weren't feeling too "festive". Mike and Jenna had spent the night at our house in hopes of also running in the race so we had breakfast with them, watched "swamp people" and hung out for awhile. The boys cleaned their bikes. Then we met up with friends at Tucano's and had a huge lunch (Caitlin was very enticed by the ice cream dessert):

We also went to the Barnes' house and hung out there for a little while, the kids played in a little tent:

Then we went to Chelsea's and hung out for a little while, and went home. Paul decided when we got home that he still needed to go for a run but i was too bitter about the horrible weather we've been having and missing my run that morning, so instead i stayed home and i am now typing this. I'm still bitter, if the sun ever decides to show it's face around these parts, my skin will welcome it's rays but inside i'll probably hold a grudge.
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