I need to do a little shout out for our dear friend Jordan. He and some friends were at the tumbling gym on Tuesday night. Jordan was doing a back flip on one of the tumbling track trampolines and came down wrong on his head and broke 2 vertebra in his neck! We met up with Mike and the others at the ER and tried to help him through the pain and all the news. He ended up having a pretty intense surgery the next day and is now luckily on his way to making a full recovery.
After what happened with Paul to his back (and his neck in high school) I have such compassion for these type of injuries-- so painful and such a PAIN to deal with... braces and devices and plates and screws and all. But we are so glad that it was not worse, like being paralyzed. Jordan is such a trooper, he's been making good progress in the hospital. He is honestly one of the sweetest boys I know, and such a loyal friend.

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