
This summer has gone by way too quickly! We have been doing so many things and keep very busy, but when I sat down to write this I realized a lot of it has just been good ol' fashioned summer stuff.. hanging out with friends, playing outside, running errands, swimming and picnics... which doesn't always get a lot of pictures taken but they are the perfect summer activities.

July 2: We attended the wedding of Nick and Olivia Clearwater. Their sealing was beautiful as well as the reception, which was in an art museum. It was fun to get dressed up and fun to see Turnbulls and celebrate the gorgeous couple!
 July 3: We went on a RZR ride with 3 other families (Allreds, Mendenhalls, Reeds) through American Fork canyon over the mountain and ended in Midway. It was a blast! The weather was great and even though it was a long ride we had fun driving and stopping and exploring. We got a new RZR (after our last one was totaled in St George) and the kids love riding in it. We stopped for a walk through Cascade Springs then got burgers in Midway then headed back over the mountains!

4th of July we went to the Provo parade, got lunch, met with friends at the park and played slip n' slide kickball and then took naps. That night we got pizzas and went to the "cul de sac of fire" in Provo with Barnes and all of our other friends. They had cotton candy and treats and a fireworks display that rivaled stadium of fire. It was amazing. Afterward we turned on the RZR lights, cranked up the music and enjoyed a dance performance from all the little girls.

July 10: Had a girl's night to dinner then to Sundance for the Bluebird Concert.

July 11: We had a Goulding Family Reunion at Cherry Hill Park, just a block away from the house where my great grandparents lived in Orem. I have fond memories of picking green beans from their garden and visiting them there. The reunion was nice and the first time in a long time that my Grandpa's family has been together. We celebrated Grandpa's 80th birthday.

Caitlin finished up her cooking classes and loved them all. She loves helping in the kitchen and everything she brought home she was so proud of.

A summer rain deterred our swimming plans one day and I thought the kids would be so dissapointed but when I told them we couldn't swim because it was raining Caitlin said, "Oh that's fine! I'll wear my new rain boots!"

The other big news from July was that vivint.solar was acquired by SunEdison... a deal that has been in the works for a little while and has had Paul (and me by attachment) on our own personal rollercoaster. They signed the deal on July 20th and we will await further closing but we are very excited. It's a big change for vivint.solar and one that will allow a lot of growth and some new opportunities. I'm very proud of Paul and the constant work he puts in to turn this company into what it has. He is such a hard and diligent worker, a loyal employee and a smart businessman. He was in New York to sign the deal and it was high stress and high stakes. Once the deal signed he has been traveling non-stop and visiting offices and talking to the media. We are excited for this new adventure!


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