
Maverick: 10 months old

The Mav is just getting so big. He thinks he is one of the big kids and he is anxious to tag along and be involved wherever he can. He is still very smiley and social and the cutest little thing. He has lots of energy and is busy but usually in a good way.

Eats: We are starting to explore with a wider variety of foods but it seems he prefers things in their pureed form. Fruits that he will eat as baby food he wont eat when they are just cut up. He likes blueberries and he loves any sort of chip/cracker/cheetos. He still eats the best for me (by far). He loves chocolate.

Sleeps: We started out the month sunburned, teething, sleep deprived and clingy. Not our best combination. sleep was scarce and he was waking up throughout the night... whether from sunburn or teeth or both. And now he wont take a binky at all, so he needs a bottle to go back to bed. He LOVES his baba.

Plays: He has stood a few times on his own. He's working on his balance and making a lot of progress. He usually stands the best when he doesn't realize he's doing it. He loves playing with Nolan's cars or chasing balls around. Otherwise he doesn't have too much interest in toys.. he just likes to raid the pantry or drawers. He LOVES the dishwasher and makes a B-line for it whenever it is open. He has no fear of the water and he likes bathtime (except for being sprayed off) and he will crawl face first into the water at the pool.

Also: People comment on him being chunky and a big boy but based on his stats from last month, he's actually only in the 30% and below average .. and nothing compared to how his older brother was! I think its his excellent cheeks and solid build that give that impression. He got two more teeth this month on top, making 6 total. He doesn't say much... he will say "mama" or "baba" occasionally and lots of "goos" and "gaas" but not very consistently. He is expressive though in his face and behavior and my favorite thing is when he gets excited about something he kicks his legs really hard!

Firsts: First time up to the Gottfredson cabin, First long RZR ride in the back seat: he loved sitting in the forward facing car seat, he slept a lot of it and was happy for the rest! First 4th of July: he watched the parade some, got his first taste of cotton candy and loved it and didn't mind the fireworks!

 June 5- July 5 2015

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